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$499 Google Pixel 8a now official, 120Hz display, 7 years of updates

$499 Google Pixel 8a now official, 120Hz display, 7 years of updates


pixel 8a.


green version. There is a lot of greenery.


If you look closely at the front. The bezel is a downgrade from the premium device.


side shot.


This is the blue version. (Sorry, we do not have a wide variety of photos available.)


iFixit will continue to provide parts.


Today is a big day for Apple, but that doesn't mean Google will fade into the background. Google is announcing the Pixel 8a today. The big news is that the Pixel A series is still $499 despite some upgrades.

What are those upgrades? How about the first 120Hz display in Google's midrange? The 6.1-inch, 120Hz, 24001080 display brings it closer to a flagship than ever before, even on a small phone. You'll also get flagship-class support from industry-leading Google over his seven years of OS updates, so if you can hold out over that period, this phone should last you until his 2031. Together, these two upgrades make the Pixel 8a an incredible value.

The big news with the Pixel 7a launch last year was the older Pixel 6a, which dropped in price significantly to $349 when the 7a launched. When asked about a possible price reduction for the Pixel 7a, Google said, “We will continue to sell the Pixel 7a,” but added, “We have no news to announce today regarding price changes.” Last year's price cut for the Pixel 6a felt like it took away some of the 7a's impact, so maybe Google is giving it some breathing room with this announcement. For now, you'll have to think twice at checkout and decide between the $499 Pixel 8a and the $499 Pixel 7a. His basic model, the Pixel 8, has similar specs and costs $699, but it's a harder sell than the Pixel 8a.


Other upgrades include the Google Tensor G3 SoC. This is the same flagship-class chip that powers the Pixel 8 (albeit with some technical flaws). It is a 4 nm chip with one Arm Cortex X3, four Cortex A715 cores, four Cortex A510 cores, and one Cortex A510 core. Mali G715 GPU. The battery is also a bit larger at 4492 mAh compared to last year's 4385 mAh. Other specs are similar to the Pixel 7a, with 8GB of RAM, 128GB of UFS 3.1 storage, IP67 dust and water resistance, an in-screen fingerprint reader, 18W wired charging, and 5W wireless charging. The camera setup is also the same as the Pixel 7a: a 64 MP main camera, a 13 MP ultra-wide camera, and a 13 MP front camera.

The design has changed slightly from the previous version. The corners are considerably rounded compared to the angular Pixel 7a. Although the bezels look a bit large in the renders, it is an affordable phone. If you're a fan of color, Google also has green and blue versions in addition to the usual black and white.

Of course, all of Google's AI features, like the magic eraser, are included in the Pixel 8a. His one challenge and seven years of updates in the future will be 8 GB of RAM. Google is already calling devices with 8GB of RAM “hardware limited” when it comes to future AI features, so be prepared for that. However, since this is a budget phone, you'll have to make some tradeoffs. It's unclear whether Google's upcoming AI features are actually worth the extra cost, as they're niche things like “smart replies” at the moment.

Pre-orders for the phone begin today and will ship on May 14th.

List image by Google




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