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Standard Chartered celebrates 10 years of partnership with Women in Tech Incubator Competition winner and City University of New York Zahn Innovation Center

Standard Chartered celebrates 10 years of partnership with Women in Tech Incubator Competition winner and City University of New York Zahn Innovation Center


A decade of partnerships to advance innovation and gender equality

NEW YORK, May 10, 2024–(BUSINESS WIRE)–Standard Chartered Americas (the “Bank”) and the Zahn Innovation Center (the “Zahn Center”) at the City College of New York (“CCNY”) , announces the winners of the 2024 Women in Tech (“WiT”) incubator competition and celebrates 10 years of partnership. Over the past decade, this collaboration has empowered aspiring entrepreneurs and fostered innovation within local communities.

Two student-led venture companies were selected as winners after a thorough evaluation by a panel of judges comprised of banks, bank customers, and Zahn Center representatives. These students have demonstrated extraordinary vision, creativity, and potential to influence business concepts.

Easy Meets, a marketplace that simplifies hangout and travel planning for groups and individuals, won the top prize of $15,000, and AutoTENS' proposal to automate back pain relief won $5,000. Both teams are now ready to take the next step towards turning the idea into a successful business.

“We are honored to be recognized for our innovative work,” said Maaw Alzandani of Easy Meats. “We had a great time at the Zahn Center. This experience not only validated our efforts, but also provided valuable guidance, support, opportunities, and resources. We are very grateful to Standard Chartered and look forward to working with them in the future.''This experience will help us make a more positive difference. ”

This year's competition not only commemorates 10 years of fostering innovation, economic empowerment and entrepreneurship among students, but also highlights the program's impressive growth and achievements over the years in achieving gender equality. .

“We are excited to celebrate the achievements of Easy Meets and AutoTENS and to mark 10 years of collaboration with the Zahn Center,” said Standard Chartered Chief Information Officer Europe and Americas, Americas Diversity & said Patricia Faster, President of the Inclusion Council. “Over the past 10 years, our partnership with the Zahn Center has enabled more than 1,300 students to pursue their entrepreneurial ambitions. As we celebrate this milestone, we are committed to fostering innovation and economic growth in our communities. We remain committed to our shared mission.”

Kesia Hudson, Managing Director of the Zahn Innovation Centers Standard Chartered Women in Tech Program, echoed similar sentiments, saying, “The WiT Incubator Competition and Standard Chartered’s long-standing partnership has been instrumental in fostering the entrepreneurial spirit of our students. We are excited about these ideas and continue to support the next generation of business leaders through collaborative efforts. ”

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The WiT Incubator is one of several programs under the Futuremakers initiative in the Americas. Other programs include partnerships with Upwardly Global, Leadership Enterprise for a Diverse America, and Youth Business International. All of them aim to empower the next generation by promoting greater economic inclusion.

About Zahn Innovation Center’s Women in Tech Incubator

Established in October 2014, the Standard Chartered Women in Tech Incubator program is an initiative aimed at supporting greater diversity in gender representation in technology. This incubator program is a partnership with the City University of New York's Zahn Innovation Center to provide early-stage, women-led startups with the support, guidance, and resources they need to grow into successful businesses. This partnership has various levels of engagement and supports women's entrepreneurship across campus through:

A mentorship network that includes both bank employees and local leaders in technology and government.

Speaker series on women with an entrepreneurial spirit

Newly renovated space to house the Standard Chartered Technology Incubator Resource Center for Women Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurship courses and materials to address entrepreneurship challenges

About City University of New York

Since 1847, the City University of New York has provided generations of New Yorkers with a high-quality, affordable education in a wide range of fields. CCNY values ​​its position at the forefront of social change. Ranked No. 1 in overall mobility index among 369 selective public universities in the United States by Harvard University-based Opportunity Insights. This metric reflects both access and achievement, representing the likelihood that a CCNY student will move up into two or more income quintiles of her income. The education research organization Degree Choices ranks CCNY No. 1 among universities nationwide for economic return on investment. Additionally, the Center for World University Rankings ranks CCNY in the top 1.8% of universities worldwide in terms of academic excellence. Emsi (now Lightcast), a labor analysis firm, estimates CCNY's annual economic impact on the local economy (five boroughs and five contiguous counties) at $1.9 billion, with a “dollar-for-dollar” impact on students, taxpayers, and society. Quantifying return on investment. At City College, more than 15,000 students earn undergraduate and graduate degrees across her eight schools and divisions, supported by heavily funded research, creativity and scholarship. This year, CCNY launched its largest fundraising campaign to date. The campaign, titled “Doing Remarkable Things Together,” aims to increase the University Foundation's total assets to more than $1 billion in support of the University's mission. CCNY is as diverse, dynamic and forward-thinking as New York City itself. View CCNY Media Kit.

About Standard Chartered

We are a leading international banking group with a presence in 53 of the world's most dynamic markets and serving customers in a further 64. Our purpose is to promote commerce and prosperity through our unique diversity, and our heritage and values ​​are expressed in our brand. Promise me, I'll be here forever.

Our history in the United States dates back to 1902, and we currently have eight locations throughout the Americas. Our Americas franchise focuses on financial institutions and select businesses, and plays a key role in facilitating trade and investment flows between the Americas and Asia, Africa, the UK, Europe and the Middle East. I am.

Standard Chartered PLC is listed on the London and Hong Kong stock exchanges.

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About Standard Chartered Futuremakers

Futuremakers by Standard Chartered (Futuremakers) is Standard Chartered Bank's global youth economic empowerment initiative aimed at tackling inequality and promoting economic inclusion in group markets. Futuremakers supports disadvantaged young people, especially women and people with disabilities, to learn, earn and grow. Futuremakers aims to create and retain 140,000 jobs by 2030 by empowering young entrepreneurs and job seekers to gain economic empowerment and participation.

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Sammi He Standard Chartered America [email protected]

Jay Mwamba City University of New York [email protected]




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