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SPORTSHORTS: STC's Timm advances to 1A state tennis | News, sports, jobs

SPORTSHORTS: STC's Timm advances to 1A state tennis |  News, sports, jobs


BOONE – South Tama County's Kaden Timm finished second in the district in the singles tournament in Boone on Wednesday and qualified for the Class 1A state singles/doubles tournament May 21-22 in Waterloo. Timm is South Tama's first boys tennis qualifier since 2010.

Timm entered Wednesday's tournament as the third seed, beating Saydel's Alex Wood 6-1, 6-0 in the first round. After dropping the first set of his quarterfinal match against Wes Van Pelt of Boone, he rallied 4-6, 6-3, 6-3 to advance to the semifinals.

In the semifinals, Timm won another three-set marathon with Nevada's Rowan Steele, claiming a tiebreaker to claim the first set and surviving a Steele comeback to clinch his spot at the state tournament.

Timm faced off against top-seeded Tate Neymeyer of Aplington-Parkersburg in the final, as rain moved the game indoors in Ames. Neymeyer led 4–1 before Timm withdrew from the match due to extreme dehydration.

Grundy's Laube wins district tennis title

WATERLOO – Grundy Center's Tanner Laube triumphed as singles champion at a Class 1A district boys tennis tournament at the Byrnes Park Tennis Center in Waterloo on Wednesday to advance to the state tournament.

It will be Laube's second consecutive appearance at State after qualifying last year in doubles with Jaren Lauver. The 1A State Singles tournament will take place May 21-22 at the Byrnes Park Tennis Center in Waterloo.

Laube earned a first-round bye as the second seed in the bracket, beating South Hardin's Carter Zollar 6-0, 6-0 in the quarterfinals.

In the semifinals, Laube earned a 7-6 (7-4), 6-4 win over Cal Martineau of Dubuque Wahlert to officially qualify for the state meet.

The Grundy Center senior kept things going in the finals, defeating top-seeded Parker Stroh of Waterloo Columbus, 6-4, 6-4, to claim the district title.

Comets, GR's ultimate push into district golf

NASHUA – The BCLUW boys golf team accounted for a bottom three finish en route to the team title during Wednesday's Class 1A Sectional 10 meet at Nashua Town and Country Club.

The Comets advanced as a team with their winning total of 337, finishing 21 strokes ahead of runner-up Don Bosco (358). Gladbrook-Reinbeck finished fourth with a 368 and North Tama was last of the seven teams with a 408.

Gladbrook-Reinbeck's Brayden Utter joins the BCLUW contingent and advances to districts after finishing in sixth place individually with a round of 88. Utter was one of the top two individual finishers not on a qualifying team and deserved progress.

BCLUW's march to the next round was led by Mason Martin and Bodie Butler, who both shot rounds of 81 for the low score of the match. Zaden Eggers was third with 85, while Nate Bishop was ninth with 90. Beau Towne added a 92 and Chance Cordes shot 103 for the Comets.

Gladbrook-Reinbeck's scoring runs came from Utter (88), Michael Boyd (92), Anthony Knaack (93) and Austen Mathern (95).

North Tama's effort was led by Tyler Popelka with a 92. Case Monat (101), Michael Harmsen (107) and Max Monat and Kayvin Morris (108) scored for the Redhawks.

STC's Kopsa one spot behind the district berth

SHELLSBURG – A fifth-score tiebreaker for second place meant the difference between qualifying for districts or ending the season at sectionals for South Tama senior Kaden Kopsa. Unfortunately for Kopsa, the latter happened Wednesday during the Class 3A Section 4 meet at the Wildcat Golf Course.

Gilbert edged out Independence for second place for the qualifying team after both teams were tied at a 311, thanks to a fifth score of 83. Had Independence qualified for districts, Dawson Fuelling's third-place finish of 73 would not have occupied an individual qualifying spot.

Instead, Kopsa's fourth-place finish with a 4-over-par round of 74 was one too many.

Daniel Wiese finished in seventh place with a 76, Kyan McBride had an 81 and Kyle Heck had an 84 for the Trojans' contributing rounds.

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