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John Mayer sets record on friendship with Andy Cohen

John Mayer sets record on friendship with Andy Cohen


It's no surprise that this week The Hollywood Reporter cover story on Andy Cohen would attract some attention – in this one, the Watch what's happening live The Bravo host and producer spoke candidly with co-editor Maer Roshan about the accusations swirling around the Real Housewives franchise, from on-set sexism to racism to alcohol and drug abuse, breaking its long silence on the controversy.

But the part of the interview that reportedly got the most attention had nothing to do with any of those claims: Rather, it was a rather tangential question regarding the openly gay Cohen's longtime friendship , and heterosexual rock star John Mayer, a relationship that sparked many coy stories in the tabloids and mainstream press.

“Your friendship with Mayer has been the subject of intense speculation,” Roshan noted. “People seem to doubt that a straight rock star could have a close, platonic relationship with a gay TV personality.”

“Let them speculate,” Cohen replied. “Honestly, I love John Mayer and he loves me. But because we are so affectionate with each other, people don't know which box to put that in. They assume we're sleeping together, which is definitely not the case.

This excerpt from a 5,000-word interview quickly went viral, with dozens of media outlets, from CNN to Daily Mail to Yahoo News, picking it up. More surprisingly, the question caught the attention of a certain rock guitarist – Mayer himself – who was moved to write THR the following response, which is printed here in its entirety:

Hello Mr. Roshan,

I read your interview with Andy Cohen and was intrigued by your questions regarding our friendship. You said that “your friendship with Mayer has been the subject of intense speculation. People seem to doubt that a straight rock star could have a close platonic relationship with a gay TV personality.

I think this is a somewhat specious premise. First, there is a long and storied history of “rock stars” (I'm not kidding, I don't consider myself one) befriending gay icons and artists.

Secondly, I think that to suggest that people doubt a friendship like mine and Andy's is to undermine the public's ability to accept and understand diversity in all facets of culture, whether in art or in real life. I'd like to think they are sophisticated enough to consider a relationship like ours without assuming it must include a sexual component. This ignorantly turns the concept of homosexuality into a two-dimensional concept, which I know is not the case. I don't question that at all.

I like intelligent discourse – as I hope you find this email – but I bristle at your selectively flimsy logic intended to convince an answer, when the premise itself is so deeply flawed, and perhaps not even quantitatively true.

Quite simply, if anyone doubts a platonic relationship between a straight man and a gay man, I don't think this superficial view merits clarification from anyone self-respecting, whether it's Andy or your post . Reinforcing the idea that any gay/straight relationship must be made clear that it is not sexual robs everyone involved of their dignity.


John Mayer




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