The Pixel 9 Pro Fold is identical to the OnePlus Open
Google is on the brink of launching the new Pixel 9 Pro Fold, and continuing leaks have solidified that the new device will look almost identical to last year's OnePlus Open.
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The Pixel 9 Pro Fold (a terrible name for what should be called the Pixel Fold 2) is due to be unveiled alongside Google's other new flagship products at an event on August 13. The revamped foldable has a drastically different design from the original Pixel Fold, ditching the short, wide aspect ratio of the outer display and the ultra-wide inner display for a more traditional design that's closer to other book-style foldables on the market.
But the more you look at it, the more you'll see it has a lot in common with the OnePlus Open.
The latest leaks this week for the Pixel 9 Pro Fold show off a foldable with a wider outer display than the Galaxy Z Fold 6, and also give us our first look at the inner display with what appears to be a much less pronounced central crease. It looks great, but it also looks very familiar.
Starting from the outside, where the glass meets the hinge, the curve of the glass aligns with the other side and meets a piece of metal that lines up with the flat edge of the hinge. This also allows for a front display with significant bezels, though they're not tiny.
Inside, the display itself has even bezels and a protective raised piece of black plastic, while the top right corner houses the selfie camera.
All of these design traits are virtually identical to the OnePlus Open, and while all foldable devices tend to share some design elements with each other, the similarities here are uncanny.
This isn't the first time that a Google foldable phone has looked strikingly similar to an Oppo design: the original Pixel Fold has a fairly unique look and feel, but as mentioned above, the shape and aspect ratio is strikingly similar to Oppo's first two Find N foldable phones.
It's hard not to imagine Oppo having a hand in designing or manufacturing for Google somewhere. That's not particularly likely, and there's no evidence to suggest it is, but seeing more and more elements of Oppo's foldable phones appear in Google makes the idea hard to get out of your head.
That's not to say this is a bad move on Google's part: in my opinion, at least in the US, the OnePlus Open is the gold standard for foldable phones, and if the Pixel's hardware lives up to that at all, we're in for a good time.
This week's top stories
Android 15 is ready
This week, Google released its fourth and likely final Android 15 beta update. Beta 4 brings very few user-facing changes and is mostly focused on bug fixes. In theory, this means the update will be ready for the Pixel 9s launch next month.
Ah, look, it's the Pixel 9 again.
Perhaps unexpectedly, there have been further leaks about the Pixel 9 this week, including some hands-on videos and an official design reveal from Google itself.
Galaxy Z Fold 6 Review
This week we also published our review of Samsung's new Galaxy Z Fold 6. And is it any good? It's a really good foldable, but it doesn't quite hold up against the increasingly impressive competition.
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