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Will Samsung change its Galaxy Ring pricing?

Will Samsung change its Galaxy Ring pricing?


Samsung Galaxy Ring in its charging case.


Samsung has gone to great lengths to highlight a clear distinction between the Galaxy Ring and its main wearable competitor, the Oura Ring: there's no monthly subscription.

The company made that clear to me during its pre-launch product launch earlier this month, specifically saying that its choice not to include a subscription was a permanent decision, and that it has no plans to charge a monthly fee now or in the future. You can read that talk here.

But a footnote in a slide during Samsung's Galaxy Unpacked presentation, spotted by Android Authority, uses more cautious language about the subscription option, seemingly leaving the possibility open.

ForbesSamsung plans to add new features to millions of Galaxy smartphonesBy Janhoi McGregor

[The] Galaxy Ring must be paired with a Samsung Galaxy smartphone with Android 11.0 or higher and a minimum of 1.5GB memory. Samsung Health app (v6.27 or higher) and Samsung account login required. Service availability may vary by country or region.

“Currently available Samsung Health features using Samsung Galaxy Ring are offered without a monthly subscription. Future Samsung Health features may be subject to different terms.”

The statement is not as clear as the warning that accompanied the company's news about the Galaxy AI features: free until 2025. But it's hard to deny that the disclaimer reads like an opening for Samsung to break its promise of not charging subscription fees.

As it stands, all indications are that Samsung isn't charging Ring customers a monthly fee. Samsung Health has always been free. The Galaxy Watch's measurement tools have also always been free. This bodes well for Samsung, which has promised not to charge subscription fees, even though it has no concrete track record of ever doing so.

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But as I pointed out in my Galaxy Ring post a few weeks ago, AI inventions cost money to build and operate, and Samsung has hinted that it could realistically charge for Galaxy AI. There is also some overlap in features between the Ring and other Galaxy devices; for example, Energy Score and Wellness Tips are available on both the Ring and the Galaxy Watch.

A workaround here might be for Samsung to not create a Galaxy Ring subscription directly, but instead charge a Galaxy AI subscription fee on all devices that include a Galaxy Ring. Samsung's argument would be that users aren't paying for a monthly plan for the Galaxy Ring, but rather buying access to its most advanced AI toolkit, much like Google does with Gemini Advanced.

If Samsung continues down this path, it wouldn't be the first time the company has temporarily undercut its competitors with aggressive pricing. The company regularly raises iPhone trade-in values ​​when new products are released. In 2015, it ran a test drive promotion that allowed iPhone owners to try out a Galaxy smartphone for $1 for a month, which was popular at the time. We'll have to wait and see what happens in 2025 when the free Galaxy AI trial ends.

ForbesSamsung announces that pricing for new Galaxy Ring is permanentBy Janhoi McGregor




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