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Coronavirus: The United States gives the World Health Organization ten times the amount of money from China Instant news


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As the coronavirus continues to paralyze almost every country on the planet, questions are raised about the relationship between the Communist Party of China and the Supreme Copper of the World Health Organization.

Earlier this week, President Trump accused the United Nations’ private agency of working too slowly in the escalating crisis, and considered it “very central in China.”

He explained in a tweet and later in a press conference on Tuesday that his administration would “seek” the money that American taxpayers gave the World Health Organization – and it might freeze – given that America is the largest donor.

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Tiedros Adhanom Gebresus, WHO Director-General, at a press conference on the new coronavirus COVID-19, at the WHO headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland earlier this month. (Keystone via AP)

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So, how much did China achieve to achieve a clear impact? Well, nothing near the US.

“In short, the total contribution of China to the United States is $ 86 million, compared to $ 893 million,” David Maxwell, a senior fellow at the Defense of Democracies group, told Fox News. “The United States represents nearly 10 times the amount China has provided.”

This is how it works.

The World Health Organization operates with a two-year budget, and members bear annual payments. She receives her money – usually $ 4.5 billion annually – through two streams. The former is referred to as a “valuable” or mandatory contribution, which is considered core funding from its member states, and is based on the expected amount that was measured by population and income. This is only about 20 percent of the total budget. The second “voluntary” package, provided by Member States, individuals and private organizations, makes up the bulk of the World Health Organization’s income.

“Countries estimate membership fees based on gross domestic product and the size of their population,” says Dennis Santiago, a global risk analyst and financial analyst. “Nations and institutions can also make additional voluntary contributions to public funds and specially designated projects, including disease outbreaks and crisis response.”

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The United States of America pays the highest WHO evaluation fee. WHO financial data for March 2020 shows that the current year’s US evaluation is $ 57,883,460. This is twice the 2020 estimate of China of $ 28,719,905 for WHO’s annual budget, and is the second largest assessment in the WHO budget.

Based on the WHO financial statements as of March 2020, China is committed to assessing $ 28,719,905 for the organization’s annual budget. The current number of years is unusual. China appears so far in its payments. There are no late figures for previous years in the WHO report.

The United States has an additional balance of $ 41,284,915 from previous years that has not yet been sent, for a total evaluation of US funding of $ 99,168,375. This amount represents about a third of the total $ 257,470,000 that the World Health Organization expects by the end of March 2020. The United States and China have two assessments of the most important contributions to WHO by 2020, followed by Japan and Germany.

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According to WHO funding, China’s evaluation is as follows.

2016 – $ 23,914,320

2017 – $ 23,914,320

2018 – 189,489,900 dollars

2019 – $ 18,948,900

2020- $ 281,799,05

$ 2021–28719905

Historical evaluation by the World Health Organization [Popular Republic of China] The People’s Republic of China explains that the numbers have decreased in the period 2018-2019 but have evolved into the 2020-2021 period, “Santiago Explanation.” Strangely enough, the World Health Organization must pass judgment on member states accordingly [gross domestic product] GDP and population size. China and the United States have the same GDP, and the population of China is four times that of A. But China’s annual rating is half of that of America. “

Santiago also indicated that it was a voluntary contribution to the World Health Organization where the “United States is really shining”.

“In 2017, the last year in which the World Health Organization compiled a report, the United States government contributed $ 401,108,929, or 40% of all donations from member states that year. The Chinese donations were much smaller $ 10,584,499 In 2017. ”

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Indeed, more than 80 percent of the WHO budget is not made from valuable contributions but rather from voluntary contributions – the United States contributes more than others, and China does not.

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In 2017 – the latest data for available donations – the United States totaled more than $ 400 million in additional support over approximately $ 30 million that is provided annually under the estimated contribution. In addition, WHO data shows that the United States is its largest funder – providing more money than the United Nations itself – followed by South Korea, Australia, the Gates Foundation, and Japan. The rest of the top ten are donations from the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, the National Charity Fund, Britain, New Zealand, Bloomberg and the European Commission.

Examination of the list of voluntary donors for the WHO contribution from 2012-2013 shows that 20 entities accounted for 81 percent of all contributions. At the summit, this time the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which was seconded by the United States, then Britain and Ireland, the Jaffe Alliance, Canada, Australia, Norway, and the United Nations Central Emergency Response Fund.

Chinese first there is nowhere to be found in the top 20.

The coronavirus crisis has exposed the virus [Chinese Communist Party] Maxwell said that CCP’s strategy to infiltrate and control international institutions is for two main reasons: making sure it works well with the People’s Republic of China and preventing Taiwan from entering any international organization. On a fundamental level, this ensures that these organizations accept and adhere to the “one China” concept. “

In total, the overall comparison is scheduled here:

China Contribution of 2019:

His evaluation: $ 75,790,000

Volunteer: $ 10,189,000

Total: $ 85.979,000

American Contribution 2019:

Classified: $ 236,912,000

Volunteer: $ 092 656,000

Total: $ 890.0000,000

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Brett Schaefer, Senior Researcher in International Regulatory Affairs at the Heritage Foundation, also highlights that nearly 90 percent of China’s contribution is estimated or mandatory.

In contrast, 73 percent of US contributions are voluntary.

“China’s contribution has increased over the years because the economy and per capita income have increased, and the formula for determining contributions is judged based on that data. However, despite its economic growth, China still provides about a tenth of the amount that the United States has provided because the United States More generous in giving. “

From Schaefer’s point of view, China’s political influence depends in part on its increased financial contribution and the realization that it is a growing power, but also on its historical diplomatic ties with developing countries.

“China’s contribution to growth, and the WHO bureaucracy does not want to isolate a government that could one day become its largest shareholder,” he said. Likewise, some governments doubt the anger of China, which it regards as a future superpower. Finally, like most international organizations, member states make the biggest decisions in the World Health Organization, including electing the Director-General. Each member state has one vote, so China’s influence with developing countries has a lot of weight through large numbers. “

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“What you really see when examining the finances of organizations such as the World Health Organization is how generous the United States is in humanitarian issues. Santiago added that the US government and philanthropy continue to control the equation.” To be honest, humanity would have been in the dark ages if not for the size of America and its people.

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