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The British coronavirus may be much higher than the previously mentioned news instant news


That is Great Britain The actual number of coronavirus victims far exceeds estimates previously published by the government, according to broader official data that includes deaths in societies such as nursing homes.

Even before the new figures, Britain’s official death rate is the fifth highest global average, and senior government scientific advisers say the country risks becoming the most severe in Europe.


On Tuesday, another 778 people were declared dead within 24 hours until Monday night in a British hospital after coronavirus infection, resulting in a total of 12,107 people having died from the virus in hospitals since the outbreak began.

But the numbers released on Tuesday show that this is very few dead.

Those who died in aged care homes were included in their accounts by the Office of National Statistics (ONS), and said that 5,979 people in the UK had died on April 3 with COVID-19, a virus-caused respiratory disease, which was mentioned in death certificates 15% more than the number published by the health services at the time.

“I am not very surprised that there will be a lack of calculations,” Bill Hanag, associate professor of epidemiology at TH Chan School of Public Health, told Reuters.

“The number of British hospital deaths you see – which respond to the news every night – is a mixture of things that flowed over a period of time. These are not exact numbers and do not include the numbers that die in places like nursing homes.”

The new figures, which reflect both deaths caused mainly by COVID-19 and when mentioned as a factor, illustrate how limited the official data has been so far.

“It will give us a very different picture from where we are in the current curve,” said Charlie Angela, from London. “Nowadays, the government says we are at the height of 10 days, but if the numbers include the number of deaths in society, it could paint a whole different picture.”

Yvonne Doyle, UK Medical Director of Public Health, said the government was working with the National Statistics Office to speed up the information.

“We just need to be absolutely clear that the cause of death attributed is correct and this is what takes time in the death certificate to correct it,” he said, adding that the government hopes to produce data faster and preferably on a daily basis.

Understand death

Compared to ONS numbers, daily hospital accounts reduced the actual mortality rate for England and Wales by 52 percent on April 3, although this has narrowed from 70 percent a week ago.

However, it increases the likelihood that the UK’s latest official death rate will be thousands of fewer than the actual number, when out-of-hospital deaths are included.

“These new figures clearly show the effect of COVID-19 for the first time,” said Martin Hibbard, a professor of infectious diseases who appeared at the London School of Health and Tropical Medicine.

London was hit hard in the week to April 3, when the Office for National Statistics said that nearly half (46.6 per cent) of the capital’s deaths included Quaid 19.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who is now recovering from COVID-19 at his second official residence, did not initially impose the same strict controls that other European leaders imposed to combat the plague.

But because expectations showed that 250,000 Britons could die from the virus, Johnson moved to the fifth largest shutter economy in the world and ordered people to stay in their homes.

The British government has faced a barrage of criticism for its response to the outbreak, including allegations that it delayed locking it in a widely reported attempt to build “herd immunity”, which lacked extensive virus testing, and that failed to join the ventilator purchase program in Across the European Union, it has failed to provide enough Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for front-line health services personnel.

“The British response was very fragmented and belated, and it allowed a large number of people not to be injured,” said Hanag at Harvard University.

“This is a pandemic beginning, not an end, and people need to understand that.”

Hanage suggests focusing on testing, using new digital technology to provide targeted advice to residents, or even virus detection in sewers.

Economic outcome

Meanwhile, Britain’s economy could shrink by 13 percent this year due to the closure of the Corona virus – its deepest recession in 300 years, while public lending is set to head to a second world war after its rise, according to the country’s budget experts.

The Budget Responsibility Office said on Tuesday that economic output could drop by 35 percent from April to June, with the unemployment rate more than doubling to 10 percent. He added that the bounce may come later this year if restrictions on public life are lifted to slow the spread of the aura virus.

Finance Minister Rishi Sonak said he was “very disturbed” by the possibility that two million people could lose their jobs due to the effects of the virus.

“This will be difficult. He told a daily government news conference that our economy will be hit hard.

OBR asserts that it does not provide official estimates, as it is unclear how long the government will ask companies to remain closed to the public. OBR assumes a three-month full closure, followed by a gradual phase-out over the next three-month period.

“The chancellor said that the country was in a very strong position before we entered this crisis,” said Charlie Angela of the island, and the Office of Budget Responsibility said the economy could rebound quickly.

“35 percent will become a contraction in the second quarter – but it will be a greater contraction, than after the Spanish flu, greater than it was after World War I, greater than it was after World War II – is very unusual for this country. “

Separately, the International Monetary Fund said it expects the British economy to shrink by 6.5 per cent by 2020, like other economies, before growing by 4.0 per cent in 2021.

Sonak said: “It is clear that we must defeat this virus as soon as possible,” adding, “There is no choice between health and the economy. This is contrary to logic.”

Government scientists say the UK will succeed if it keeps the number of coronavirus deaths below 20,000.

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