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Avalanche by the waves: Why did Israel send the aid? – Opinion

Avalanche by the waves: Why did Israel send the aid?  – Opinion


Although the quick-response Israeli medical team in Surfside, Florida, was generally welcome, there were some notable naysayers.

Some of them were just anti-Semites and anti-Zionists (at present almost the same). But even prominent critics of Israel often betray their basic ignorance of the essential Jewish concept of grace, giving, and mercy.

Among the lesser known critics was Raphael Shimonov, a longtime political activist from Queens, New York, who tweeted that “Israel’s expertise crushes buildings where people are, not save them.” The suggestion was that the IDF’s efforts in Miami were little more than reflections of government propaganda and hypocrisy. Palestinian-American political activist Linda Sarsour responded with a beaming emoji with her thumbs up.

Eric Garland, who described himself as a “nice intellectual fighter” whose Twitter page has more than a quarter of a million followers, similarly wondered why “Given the IDF’s presence in this mess, [the] The building was demolished in such a rush.”

The constant criticism is that the Jewish state promotes and glorifies its inclusive social policies in order to distract people from its oppression of the Palestinians. Similarly, Israelis working to protect the environment are derided as “greenwashes.” Those who celebrate Israeli cuisine, from “washing dishes.”

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The implication, in other words, is that the Israelis always have an ulterior motive.

This is little more than a subtle form of mass defamation. The conclusion that Israel only went to Surfside because there is a large Jewish population in that community ignores the similar rescue teams of the small country that have been sent to places like Ghana, Kenya and Mexico City. Israel takes very seriously the idea that it should be a light to the nations, who work forever in tikkun olam (“reforming the world”).

It responds immediately to emergencies around the world not because the victims are Jews, but because they are human.

Its history in this respect is not a new phenomenon. In 1953, when an earthquake in Greece killed more than 1,000 people, Israeli Navy ships were on site to provide medical treatment to survivors. In 1985, an even more devastating earthquake in Mexico City that killed 10,000 people was met by a delegation of IDF search and rescue teams.

In 1994, after a terrorist attack on a Jewish community center in Buenos Aires that killed 85 people, the Israeli army was there almost immediately, as it was in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1998 after a car bomb exploded near the US embassy, ​​where the teams were Found. Capable of rescuing three people buried under the rubble.

In 2005, in the wake of the devastation wrought by Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans, Israel sent 80 tons of humanitarian supplies. In 2006 and 2012, the country responded to building collapses in Kenya and Ghana. In 2017, she helped rescue earthquake victims in Mexico City.

But to Israel’s perennial critics, these expressions of happiness are virtually ignored.

That was not the case, however, in Surfside, where, in the early morning of June 24, a 12-storey seaside condominium abruptly disintegrated. By Friday, an Israeli task force was on site, sifting through layers of rubble in 12-hour shifts.

The IDF’s National Search and Rescue Unit, along with members of the United Hatzalah Trauma and Crisis Response Unit, arrived Sunday morning. They were accompanied by volunteers from the Israeli emergency response organization Zaka, which specializes in collecting body parts for Jewish burials. It was known that a large number of the Jewish population, including 20 Israelis, were among the missing. As a result of these efforts, the exhumation of the bodies was much faster than would have been possible otherwise.

Their presence was greatly appreciated and acknowledged by Surfside residents, who lined the streets to give the Israeli rescue team a warm hug and juicy waves of applause as the IDF left for home, after once again showing that kindness is always in season.

The writer is a professor of law at the University of Baltimore, where he specializes in civil liberties and international human rights.




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