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The survey found that many first responders to the Tokyo earthquake live too far from work


About 60% of central government officials responsible for the initial response to serious earthquakes in the Tokyo metropolitan area live very far from their workplace, according to a government survey.

As of September 1 last year, the central government had 5,793 officials designated as primary response members across its ministries and agencies – all presumably living within six kilometers from their workplaces in Tokyo. Among those appointed, there were 3,575 people who lived outside this range.

The government plans to consider taking measures to solve the problem as soon as possible, as the situation could delay any initial response to such a disaster.

Last year, the government conducted a survey for the first time to count the number of emergency response members living within six kilometers from government offices in the Kasumigaseki district or Chiyoda Ward and the Defense Ministry headquarters in Shinjuku Ward.

It found that only 2,218 people – about 40% – lived within the area.

Those responsible for the initial responses to earthquakes under the city have no legal obligation to live within the specified range. They are also not included in the list of government employees who can live in subsidized housing for public officials.

According to the guidelines set by the Cabinet Office, they are supposed to live within three hours’ walk of their workplace – or within six kilometers, assuming their walking speed is two kilometers per hour – as the transportation network will then be paralyzed. Big earthquake.

The decrease in the number of officials living within a six-kilometre radius is partly due to sales of some government employee housing after criticism over the preferential treatment of civil servants.

Between 2009 and 2020, the government reduced these housing options in 23 private suites in Tokyo by about 5,000 units. Now they must face the problem of securing housing for emergency response members.

The government will discuss detailed measures, including the possible reconstruction of existing government employee housing.

“Ministries and government agencies must share a sense of urgency and find a solution,” said a government source.

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