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Storm threatens rescue efforts as Haiti emerges from massive earthquakeExBulletin


A man digs with a stone among the rubble of a house destroyed by the earthquake in Les Cayes, Haiti, on Sunday. Joseph Odelyn/AP .

. Joseph Odelyn/AP

A man digs with a stone among the rubble of a house destroyed by the earthquake in Les Cayes, Haiti, on Sunday.


More than 1,200 people are confirmed dead after the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti on Saturday. But as rescue crews dig among the rubble of countless destroyed buildings, many fear the actual death toll may be much higher.

As of Sunday evening, the official death toll was 1,297 dead and 5,700 wounded. The 7.2-magnitude earthquake destroyed every type of building including schools, hospitals, churches and prisons. Thousands of homes were destroyed. The impoverished island nation is bracing for another blow, as Tropical Depression Grace threatens to bring heavy rain and possible mudslides on Monday.

Destruction impedes aid delivery

“It’s devastation across the region,” Margaret Lubin, a representative for Haiti for relief organization CORE, said in an interview with NPR’s Weekend Edition. Many people are homeless.

“Hospitals are completely overwhelmed,” Lubin said. “We need doctors and medicine. And aid needs to get to remote areas. Roads are closed. So, there’s a lot, a lot, a lot to do.”

According to Haiti’s Civil Protection Service, 1,054 deaths were reported in the southern part of the country, 122 in Nieps, 119 in Grand Anse, and two in the northwest.

Several humanitarian aid organizations have sent teams to Haiti to assess the situation. In the Nippes community in L’Asile, about half of all homes have been destroyed, said Lynn Hector, director of communications for Mercy Corps. She said major markets in the region had collapsed, leaving people without much-needed supplies. Damaged roads and collapsed bridges also made it difficult to bring in supplies.

“Everywhere is tormented,” said program director Allen Joseph, who is on the grounds of Nippes. “Lots and lots of people don’t have homes anymore. Everywhere we went people were crying and worried. Getting around is so hard.”

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies in America supports search and rescue operations, as well as assistance with first aid and shelter. The group said priorities also include ensuring access to water and sanitation, while keeping people safe from COVID-19.

Aid organizations have warned that the death toll is likely to rise. “The destruction is massive and people are working with all their might to get as many people as possible out of the rubble,” the Dutch Red Cross said earlier on Sunday. “The misery is not over yet.”

At the request of the Haitian government, the United States has sent a 65-person urban search and rescue team to assist in the search, according to USAID departments Samantha Power. This team joins the earthquake disaster response team already on Earth. Several Latin American countries say they are also preparing to send humanitarian aid to Haiti.

People also try to help. Richard Hervey Forquand, a former Haitian senator, chartered a private jet to take the wounded from Les Quays to Port-au-Prince. “I have 30 people in serious condition waiting for me,” he told the New York Times. But I only have seven seats.”

Tennis star Naomi Osaka has pledged to donate any prize money she may win this week to relief efforts in Haiti.

Tropical depression could pose a new threat

In an interview with ABC’s Good Morning America, Haiti’s ambassador to the United States, Buckchett Edmond, said authorities were still trying to figure out how severe the devastation was. He said their top priority is access to medical care and shelter for people who have been injured or displaced.

Edmund also worries that the weather will complicate relief efforts. Tropical Depression Grace, which is currently making its way through the Caribbean, may bring heavy rain and flooding on Monday as it hits Haiti, potentially triggering mudslides. The National Hurricane Center said many areas could see 4 to 8 inches of rain, with isolated areas of 15 inches across the south of the country.

“I hope Grace is graceful enough to spare us,” Edmund said.




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