Haiti: Earthquake Situation Report No. 3 (31 August 2021) – Haiti
This report was produced by the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in Haiti with contributions from United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, NGOs and humanitarian partners.
• Providing assistance to hard-to-reach rural areas remains a critical response gap as severe access restrictions prevent government and humanitarian actors from reaching affected people outside urban centres.
• National authorities are planning to start a 6-week Post-Disaster Needs Assessment (PDNA) with the support of the United Nations system, the European Union, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.
• UN Women and CARE will conduct a rapid gender analysis of the impact of the earthquake with the support of national authorities, local women’s organizations and UN agencies.
• USAID announced $32 million in funding for humanitarian partners to provide life-saving, multi-sectoral assistance in health, emergency shelter, food, water, sanitation, and protection services in earthquake-affected areas.
• Health risks related to COVID-19 are increasing as preventive measures, including the wearing of masks and physical distancing, are jeopardized by the realities of the operational context.
• Localization, Accountability to Affected Populations (AAP) and effective two-way communication with communities (CwC), including women’s organizations, are key priorities of the humanitarian community response strategy, with the goal of ensuring local capacity, knowledge and expertise are at the core of these efforts.
• Access to GBV services has decreased significantly in the aftermath of the earthquake due to access, logistical and security challenges that negatively impact the management of GBV cases, particularly women and girls.
800,000 affected (Source: UN System in Haiti)
650,000 people are in need of emergency humanitarian assistance (Source: UN System in Haiti)
$187.3 million in humanitarian funding is required to reach 500,000 affected people (Source: Haiti Earthquake Flash Appeal – August 2021)
2.2K+ dead, with more expected (Source: DGPC)
320 people are still missing (Source: DGPC)
130,000 homes destroyed and destroyed (Source: DGPC)
Status Overview
More than two weeks after the devastating 14 August earthquake, humanitarian assistance is now beginning to reach those most in need, thanks to enhanced government-led coordination and tireless efforts to negotiate increased humanitarian access to hard-to-reach areas. to get it. Affected communities struggling to deal with the multifaceted impact of the earthquake continue to receive assistance to meet the growing needs for emergency shelter, food, safe water and sanitation, and protection services, including measures to prevent sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) and services for victims of violence sexual and gender-based violence, amid heightened vulnerabilities and increased risks to their physical and mental health.
The Rapid Initial Assessments of Damage and Needs (EDAB) indicate that in Grand Anse and Nippes 20.9 percent and 76 percent, respectively, more women than men were left without a place to live after the earthquake. This has important implications for women’s exposure to sexual and gender-based violence, sexual exploitation, sexual exploitation, health risks, and child care. Collecting more numbers disaggregated by sex, age and vulnerability remains critical to better understanding the crisis and adapting the humanitarian response accordingly.
Despite successful access negotiations with armed groups, which allowed the passage of 13 humanitarian convoys in the past 12 days, safe and secure humanitarian access must continue in the long term. The continued presence of armed gangs and damaged bridges and roads made impassable by the earthquake continues to pose significant access and security restrictions on the government and humanitarian actors trying to reach those who need them most. The operational context continues to impede the delivery of life-saving assistance to affected communities, particularly in rural areas close to the epicenter that were completely interrupted by the earthquake. With the support of various international governments, air and sea support is being provided to deliver relief supplies to remote, hard-to-reach and inaccessible areas by road.
The combined impact of the earthquake and tropical depression Grace left 650,000 people in need of emergency humanitarian assistance, of whom 500,000 are being targeted by UN agencies and humanitarian partners through activities planned under the recently launched $187.3 million flash appeal. Based on the initial impact assessment, the government estimates that the damage caused by the strong 7.2 magnitude earthquake exceeds US$1 billion, with national authorities planning to conduct a more detailed assessment of the damage, loss and post-earthquake needs in cooperation with the tripartite partnership of the United Nations, the European Union, the World Bank as well as the World Bank. Pan-American development.
As of the last update on August 25, the Haitian Directorate General of Civil Protection (DGPC) had reported 2,207 deaths, 12,268 injured and 320 missing. At least 52,953 homes were completely destroyed, while another 77,006 homes were damaged to varying degrees. Compounding the problem is the fact that many shelters in affected areas have been destroyed or damaged, forcing displaced people to shelter in assembly points that lack basic water and sanitation services and protection. In some remote areas, families are constructing temporary shelters from salvaged materials that are built directly on the ground without any type of foundation or platform, making them vulnerable to collapse due to high winds and increased rainfall, a series of risks that will only increase when the season peaks Hurricanes are approaching.
Damage assessments for homes and shelters should continue to be accelerated in order to enable the movement of families currently sheltering abroad to safer temporary accommodation or, if possible, to return to their homes, as many families whose homes are still choosing shelter elsewhere as ongoing aftershocks leave In fear of a sudden collapse. Schools are currently being evaluated as alternative emergency shelter solutions for the displaced, raising concerns about the implications for the eventual return to school, which was originally scheduled to reopen on September 7.
Growing insecurity and the COVID-19 pandemic have kept nearly 4 million children out of school for several months over the past two years, as the earthquake destroyed more than 300 school infrastructure in the three hardest-hit regions, affecting an estimated 100,000 children and teachers. Safe temporary learning spaces are urgently needed to ensure affected boys and girls can continue their education and mitigate risks associated with children being out of school, including forced gang recruitment, child trafficking, sexual exploitation and abuse, and early teen pregnancy.
According to UNICEF, more than 119,000 people in the affected areas are in dire need of safe drinking water, while the long-term reconstruction and rehabilitation of infrastructure and WASH systems, which were already weak and lacking coverage prior to the earthquake, remains a priority. To prevent disease outbreaks. including COVID-19, and exacerbation of malnutrition, especially among vulnerable groups such as children and pregnant and lactating women.
In health facilities, pre-existing WASH deficits were exacerbated by the various impacts of the earthquake, with only 60 percent of health facilities in the South County having access to basic water services before the earthquake, 59 percent in Nippes and 52 percent in Grand Anse, while 33 percent of health facilities in Nieps and 15 percent in South have no water services at all. In this context, post-earthquake WASH interventions in health facilities will be crucial to prevent infection among those infected and to prevent outbreaks of diseases, including COVID-19. The preliminary EDAB report found that women are significantly over-represented among health workers in Nieps and Grand Anse, making them disproportionately vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. This should be taken into account in prevention and response campaigns related to COVID-19.
With increasing numbers of response personnel arriving on the ground, the health risks associated with COVID-19 continue to rise, requiring humanitarian actors to be proactive in implementing measures to ensure the protection of highly vulnerable populations. With less than 1 percent of Haiti’s 11 million residents vaccinated against COVID-19, the population remains at risk of transmission of COVID-19, especially given the lack of purchased vaccines – only Haiti received 500,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccine – and personal Availability of Protective Equipment (PPE), as affected people increasingly congregate nearby in search of food assistance and shelter in the aftermath of the earthquake.
The potential introduction of new, more contagious and dangerous variants that have not yet reached the island is of particular concern during the weeks and months following the earthquake, as the country’s health system lacks the capacity to respond to the COVID19 outbreak. Hospitals are overwhelmed by the large influx of infected patients and health infrastructure has been severely damaged, making mainstreaming COVID-19 considerations across response activities vital to ensuring that humanitarian action does not have unintended negative consequences for the people it seeks to help.
In this complex response environment, characterized by access constraints, security, and the multiplicity of simultaneous crises amid a global pandemic, responsible, well-coordinated, transparent, and gender-sensitive response efforts must be grounded in national leadership and drawing on local capacities, knowledge, and expertise complemented by regional and international aid. Humanitarian actors should aim to harness and enhance the efforts of local actors to respond long ago on the ground, especially local NGOs, CSOs, including women’s organizations, and community leaders, and support the recovery of local economies and livelihoods through local procurement of relief Gender-sensitive cash-based supplies and assistance, both of which will have important multiplier effects across the economy.
An increased focus on localization in response efforts goes hand in hand with mainstreaming accountability to affected populations (AAP) and effective two-way communication with communities (CwC), including women’s organizations, in all response and early recovery efforts. This entails meaningful community engagement and building trust through continuous and transparent dialogue with affected communities, including women, youth, religious and other diverse leaders. Participatory and inclusive assessments and spaces for dialogue led by local organizations, including women and youth-led groups, should be disseminated to enable community participation in program design, provide information about available services and how to access them, and transparently communicate humanitarian restrictions. Equally important is the establishment of collective system-wide community responses and gender-sensitive complaints mechanisms that operate with standardized and coordinated operating procedures to avoid sporadic, disconnected and less efficient efforts and, thus, put the accountability and protection of affected people at risk.
Sources 2/ https://reliefweb.int/report/haiti/haiti-earthquake-situation-report-no-3-31-august-2021 The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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