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Haiti’s Race Against Time: A Blog by the United Nations Resident Coordinator |


Bruno Lomarquez is the Deputy Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General (DSRSG), Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Haiti. He was speaking to UN News about the earthquake response and the reconstruction process.

Haiti is currently making global headlines for all the wrong reasons; It is experiencing a multi-dimensional crisis including escalating violence, fuel shortages that have crippled many key services and the August earthquake that killed nearly 2,200 people and left hundreds of thousands in need.

United Nations Haiti / Jonathan Boulet-Gruulx

Bruno Limárquez (left), the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Haiti, talks to earthquake-affected people in southwest Haiti.

As the Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator of the United Nations and Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the United Nations, I am committed, with the United Nations team in Haiti, not only to supporting responses to immediate crises, particularly humanitarian ones, but also to ensuring that the United Nations is fully engaged in the development agenda, advancing the Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals and addressing the deep structural causes, underlying instability, development and governance deficits in Haiti.

humanitarian situation

In terms of the humanitarian situation, the United Nations estimated earlier this year that 40 percent of Haiti’s 11.5 million people were in need of humanitarian assistance, mainly due to high levels of food insecurity.

The earthquake of 14 August mainly affected the south of the country, but had serious consequences and further aggravated the already dire humanitarian situation.

growing insecurity

While needs remain high among Haitians, the country is experiencing growing insecurity that is not only creating new humanitarian needs but also hampering access and the reconstruction and recovery response.

Since June, gang violence in the Port-au-Prince region has displaced at least 19,000 people and affected 1.5 million people.

Violence, looting, road closures, the persistent presence of armed gangs, and the resulting fuel shortages are obstacles to humanitarian access and reconstruction and recovery efforts.

International Organization for Migration / Monica Chirac

The United Nations provided humanitarian aid immediately after the August 2021 earthquake.


The return of Haitian migrants in large numbers over the past weeks has made an already difficult situation even more complicated.

About 11,000 immigrants were returned to Haiti, including about 8,000 from the United States alone. Most immigrants reported spending a number of years in South or Central America. In addition, new immigrants who left Haiti in the aftermath of the August earthquake are also being repatriated from neighboring countries.

UN agencies, notably the International Organization for Migration, are working in close coordination with the Haitian authorities to ensure their return in dignity, despite the overburdened capacities.

Recovery and reconstruction priorities

The humanitarian response, about two and a half months after the earthquake, is now entering a new phase and there are a number of top priorities that represent what I call “races against the clock” challenges which, if not addressed, could have other negative consequences. The United Nations is working alongside our national partners to address it.

Children’s education has suffered greatly. More than 1,200 school buildings were damaged or destroyed. Reopening schools is a top priority, to avoid further school dropouts. UNICEF, together with its partners, is working hard to support the Ministry of Education in meeting the challenge.

Smallholder farmers who have lost their land, crops and livestock need support so they don’t miss the upcoming planting season. The United Nations (FAO and WFP in particular) is working with partners in this regard. This will help reduce already high levels of food insecurity.

The displaced are being assisted by IOM and other partners to return home where possible – in particular to avoid further urban migration.

The provision of basic social services, in particular health services, must be resumed as soon as possible, to avoid, for example, disruption of medical treatments and vaccination programmes.

WHO/PAHO, UNICEF and UNFPA are actively working with the Ministry of Health and other partners in this regard.

National Response Command

All of this happened under the strong leadership of the Haitian authorities as well as local authorities and partners against a backdrop of logistical challenges, insecurity and access issues.

One of the main lessons from the most devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti was the need to support and respect national leadership, national coordination arrangements, and local institutions, to draw on Haiti’s capacity, experience and knowledge in order to ensure sustainable change.

There has also been a greater focus on supporting the local economy and ensuring consistency between short-term emergency response and long-term solutions.

Post-disaster needs

The government launched the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment immediately after the earthquake, with the collective support of the United Nations (with UNDP as technical lead) and other partners, notably the European Union, the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank.

International Organization for Migration / Monica Chirac

It is estimated that the reconstruction and recovery efforts in Haiti will cost about two billion dollars.

The recovery plan, which will cost about $2 billion, will be presented at an international conference called by the government, with the support of the United Nations, scheduled for mid-December.

This event will raise awareness and mobilize resources for the recovery and reconstruction phase, and it is hoped that international donors will come together to support and advocate for the long-term development of Haiti.


Besides emergency response and development work in emergencies, the United Nations Integrated Team in Haiti (UNCT and the United Nations Political Mission) seeks to focus its collective political and program resources on some of the major structural causes of instability and development and governance deficits, including the fight against corruption. Impunity and the transformation and modernization of the economy.

It also seeks to support the activation of public policies that benefit the most vulnerable groups, for example in the areas of social protection, food security and disaster risk reduction.

In this way, the link between humanitarian and development efforts and peace can be strengthened.

If we do not confront these challenges together and do not invest in recovery, reconstruction, sustainable development and addressing the root causes, it will be difficult for Haiti to break out of this cycle of humanitarian crises and instability.

Without this support, the Haitian people will continue to suffer and this will become a crisis the world will forget.”

The United Nations Resident Coordinator The United Nations Resident Coordinator, sometimes called the Resident Coordinator, is the highest-ranking representative of the United Nations development system at the country level. In this spin-off series, UN News invites Resident Coordinators to blog about issues important to the United Nations and the country in which they serve.




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