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KIJHL remains committed to Hockey Canada after the Vancouver Island league split

KIJHL remains committed to Hockey Canada after the Vancouver Island league split


Vancouver Island's announcement comes a year after BCHL left the national governing body

Two junior hockey leagues in B.C. say they remain committed to the Hockey Canada umbrella after a Vancouver Island junior league announced it would become independent as a feeder program for higher, non-sanctioned leagues.

The Vancouver Island Junior Hockey League announced Monday (April 25) that it will operate independently of Hockey Canada and the BC Hockey Conference, starting in the United States. 2024-2025 season.

However, representatives from the Kootenay International Junior Hockey League and the Pacific Junior Hockey League say both leagues remain committed to Hockey Canada and BC Hockey.

The BCHC and its affiliated leagues are fully committed to operating under the umbrella of Hockey Canada and BC Hockey, said KIJHL Commissioner Jeff Dubois. Over the past year, we have made the necessary efforts and investments to advance to the Junior A level, with the ultimate goal of providing our players with a pathway to compete in the Centennial Cup, Canada's national Junior A championship.

In 2022, the KIJHL and PJHL formed the BCHC to improve their level of junior hockey in the province and provide better opportunities for players.

BCHC initiatives over the past two seasons have included the creation of a Department of Player Safety and the creation of a Top Prospects Game, which has directly led to three recent entrants joining the Western Hockey League.

The BCHC, the PJHL and the KIJHL are well established and provide exceptional value to our participants, fans and sponsors, said Trevor Alto, PJHL Commissioner. We look forward to this reputation being further enhanced as the impact of today's announcement is felt across the sanctioned Junior A landscape in our province.

The VIJHL's decision to leave the Hockey Canada umbrella was made following a board vote by its 11 member teams, which was announced on April 29.

According to a statement, the decision was made to increase player development opportunities and give the league more autonomy over its future.

Organizationally, Hockey Canada-sanctioned junior hockey has been in flux since the British Columbia Hockey League, formerly the province's top Junior A league, announced last year that it would become independent.

Following the BCHL's announcement, Hockey Canada approved the move of BC's three former Junior B leagues, the KIJHL, PJHL and VIJHL, to Junior A.

We are very pleased with the progress of the KIJHL and PJHL as they move towards a stronger Junior A in our province, said Cameron Hope, CEO of BC Hockey. These leagues have demonstrated a clear, ongoing commitment to prioritizing the safety, development and playing experience of BC and Yukon players. We are disappointed with the VIJHL team owners' decision to operate outside the safe and organized community sports model of sanctioned hockey, but we wish them the best.

The BCHC continues its efforts to develop an application and assessment process for KIJHL and PJHL teams to take the next step towards full-fledged Junior A hockey, while working with Blackfin Sports Group, which is led by former executives from Canucks Sports & Entertainment.

The BCHC is expected to announce next steps in early 2025 as the May 1 application deadline quickly approaches.




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