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Removal of buildings damaged by Croatia earthquake to start next year


Petringa, December 2020 Mark Rowlands

November 23, 2021 – It is no exaggeration to say that the post-earthquake “cleanup” process in Zagreb and central Croatia is moving at a slow pace. However, it is still moving, but slowly. The Croatian earthquake that destroyed properties that could not be salvaged will begin to be removed from 2022.

As Poslovni Dnevnik / Marija Brnic wrote, as of the beginning of next year, appropriate plans to remove earthquake-damaged buildings in Croatia that have collapsed and can no longer be reconstructed or salvaged will be ready and in order. The State Inspectorate had announced a tender to perform these tasks in the regions of Zagreb, Krapina Zagori, Zagreb, Sisak Moslavina and Karlovac.

These are the procedures for awarding contracts based on a framework agreement, and the estimated total value of the business is 30 million kuna, increased by the amount of VAT (meaning the real total will be about 37.5 million kuna). The tender did not specify the exact number of Croatian earthquake-damaged buildings to be demolished and removed, nor the time limit for completion of the work. Quantities are determined in cubic meters of the total area, and the volume of work itself, as indicated in the documents of the State Inspectorate, will additionally depend on the needs and financial resources available on time.

For these positions, candidates whose offers will be considered must have a cumulative annual sales average in the past three years of at least 15 million kuna, and among other things, they must prove that they have completed the removal of buildings worth 10 million kuna over the course of the five past years.

They must also have at least one Structural Engineer with full five years of experience and registered as one of the Chamber’s Structural Engineers, four Structural Engineers, two truck drivers and six Workers, with all necessary technical equipment.

Bidders for Croatian earthquake removal job must guarantee their earnestness with a promissory note in the amount of 900,000 kuna. The State Inspectorate will collect bids until December 6, and although the demolition of these damaged facilities is eagerly awaited in the field, a 90-day deadline has been set for decisions on the selection of contractors.

The State Inspectorate, in the framework of which the construction inspection is responsible for problem installations that endanger public safety, performs this task by decision of the Directorate of Civil Protection of the Republic of Croatia.

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