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Time of year when an asteroid hit that killed the dinosaurs explains why some species survivedExBulletin

Time of year when an asteroid hit that killed the dinosaurs explains why some species survivedExBulletin
Time of year when an asteroid hit that killed the dinosaurs explains why some species survivedExBulletin


A new study has found that the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs struck the northern hemisphere in the spring. Scientists say that animals in different hemispheres may perform differently after the event.


Our next story is also about climate change and new evidence is helping scientists understand an earlier disaster. It happened 66 million years ago. Dinosaurs roamed the Earth, then collided with an asteroid.

Melanie Doering: You can imagine that this is worse than any earthquake you’ve known for a thousand times.

Pfeffer: While studying at Uppsala University in Sweden, paleontologist Melanie said it was a tough time for her to survive.

During: You have instantaneous tsunamis near the impact itself, but you also have these shock waves that pass through the continental crust.

Ari Shapiro, host:

Shock waves shook those bodies of water thousands of miles away from the asteroid impact site near Mexico’s Yucatan Peninsula, all of that drift burying even distant animals in shattered water walls and debris.

Pfeiffer: The asteroid impact also caused a glassy hailstorm.

During: So when the meteor hit, it evaporated almost instantly, but you can still compare it to throwing a bowling ball in a sandbox. A lot of sand jumped, and in this case, a lot of molten Earth rock that was shot into space as it crystallized.

Pfeiffer: What happened in the end fell and pelted the planet with glassy rocks.

Shapiro: In the days and months that followed, intense radiation, global wildfires, and acid rain punished life on Earth. Three-quarters of the world’s species are extinct. But why some and not others?

During: The dominant group, the non-avian dinosaurs, became extinct. How is this choice possible? Why are they? Why not sharks, turtles, crocodiles, or mammals, too?

Pfeiffer: Now, Melanie While and her team have discovered a clue that might help answer that question. They looked at the fossilized fish that had been dug up in North Dakota. The fish was buried alive on the day the asteroid hit. They even have some glass shards lodged in their nostrils.

Shapiro: By saying, fish bones grow kind of like tree rings, adding a new layer every year. So by looking at their bones, they can tell the time of year they died. Writing in the journal Nature, a team wrote that it was spring in the north when the asteroid impacted.

Daniel Field: This paper made me really happy, didn’t it? I mean, it will always be difficult to know exactly what happened on the day of the asteroid impact from our present-day center.

Pfeiffer: Daniel Field of the University of Cambridge was not involved in this work, but he says the paper offers new ideas about how dangerous extinctions are in some parts of the world than others.

Scope: It is plausible, at least, that seasonality has implications for determining the winners and losers of this mass extinction event.

Shapiro: Remember; Spring in the north is autumn in the south. So, while the animals in the north tended to have the newly hatched young, the creatures in the south may have been holed up in the winter, which helps them withstand the horrific conditions.

PFEIFFER: Studying more Southern Hemisphere species might help advance this idea, Melanie Whin says, but she doesn’t expect that she will be able to narrow down the impact time further.

During: You can’t specify it as, say, a holiday or something specific. This would be awesome. Like, it was on my birthday or – but I don’t think we can do that.

Shapiro: With that said, she suggests picking a day in the spring.

During: April 1, I think we should all stop for a minute and just…

Shapiro: Wait a moment of silence for the dinosaurs.

(soundtrack with “Swamp” Floraton)

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