Summary of the fourth season of Stranger Things: Explaining the end of episode nine
Stranger Things is back for an epic final showdown. who lives? Who dies? And can anyone defeat the brutal Vicna?
The two very long final episodes arrive on Netflix today, July 1 (although Netflix has a downturn for some early viewers). We have already summarized the eighth episode titled Baba. So let’s dive into the two-hour episode 9, The Piggyback, and recap the plot points, Easter eggs and character arcs. (plus lots of spoilers!)
Stranger Things is set in ’80s Indiana, where a teen with powerful psychic powers escapes from a sinister government facility. Eleven joins local nerds Mike, Dustin, Lucas, and Will to battle demogorgons, Mind Flayer, and other monsters, including the eerily calculating Dr. Brenner.
Episode 8 ended with Brenner’s death in the desert dust, but he left a whole host of troubles behind him: His experiments with child psychics led to Eleven casting troubled young Henry Creel in the dimension parallel to the Upside Down becoming the demonic villain of Season 4 Vecna.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Jim Hopper, Joyce, and Murray attempt to escape a brutal Russian concentration camp with the help of devious ex-guard Antonov (aka Enzo) and crazy smuggler Yuri. Episode 9 begins with Jim and Joyce facing the same problem as Eleven, Will, Mike, Jonathan, and Surfer Boy brochacho Argyle: they have to return to the Hawkins before he kills Vecna again and opens a fourth portal to the dark dimension. Steve, Nancy, Robin, Dustin, and Eddie Monson tools to infiltrate the Upside Down and pin Vecna into his coffin, while Lucas and Erica enter the terrifying Creel’s mansion to offer Max as bait. In the series finale, only Hawkins’ children (and Kate Bush) can save the world.
The first stage
In Russia, Yuri continues to stall (literally) while pretending to work on his Katinka helicopter. Nearby, Joyce and Hopper take off his clothes side by side, revealing the losses inflicted on Hopper’s body through his stay in a brutal labor camp. However, despite being battered, bloodied, emaciated and head shaved, perhaps David Harbor has never been hotter? Deciding he’s a curse on anyone who cares about him, Hopper still finds hope in dreams of Enzo bread sticks and lasagna, not to mention hugging Joyce (in a Hulk Hogan shirt).
In Hawkins, Nancy and her crew prepare an upside-down commando raid. It seems very simple, right? Dustin and Eddie know they’re decoys, but once someone says “we’re not heroes,” you just know they’re going to pull up some pretty heroic nonsense before the credits even start.
As Erica, Lucas, and Max explore Krill’s fearsome house, the first stage begins…except for passing points Erica, Jason and his newly acquired pistol head to the murder house in Morehead.
Surfer Boy Pizza Crew
On the way, Eleven sees a billboard depicting a happy family with flashbacks about her mother, Terry. If she can get into the minds of her mother or Bailey in previous seasons, she realizes that she could follow in Max’s mind and confront Vicna. It just means getting into the Surfer Boy pizza. Luckily they have a Purple Palm Tree Delight.
The battle of the mind continues
Hopper contacts Owens’ assistant, who quickly informs them of the danger in Hawkins. Hopper and Joyce realize in their matching jackets that they too can join the fight from their spot. It just means going back to the Soviet prison. Fortunately they have a flamethrower.
Are you ready for the biggest metal concert in world history? In Upside Down, Eddie discovers a demonic version of his axe and is ripped into Metallica’s Puppet Master to draw a horde of demonic bats across a dark, infernal dimension. I love how Eleven is not only the one who brings her superpowers to fight. The unique personalities of ordinary people play a crucial role, as Argyle’s pizza-making and Eddie’s chops also help save the world.
You might be forgiven for forgetting that Jonathan was there this season because he was mostly in the background of a show with so many characters. But in one intimate moment this season, he reconnected with Will. In another touching moment, after Steve’s speech about children in Episode 8, Nancy shares another heart-to-heart weakness in this episode. Oh, he’s really going to die, right?
Running up another hill
As Max listens to her secret weapon, Kate Bush, she and Lucas exchange sweet notes. Then she turns off her Walkman.
The second stage begins.
But it does not work. Eleven can see Max, but the guest of honor does not attend. Max delves into Vecna’s mockery of her and confronts her emotional demons by confessing her darker thoughts about her late brother Billy. She acknowledges that her courage and possible sacrifice are rooted in self-loathing, not nobility. Finally, Vecna makes his presence felt by ruthlessly impersonating Lucas and then Billy. Meanwhile, Eleven actually drops herself on Creel’s house, then takes another step into Max’s mind as she finds herself amidst Max’s skateboarding memory.
It’s time for the third stage.
Max finds herself snowballing at the 1984 Hawkins Prep as police plays the massive 1983 “Every Breath You Take” – just like the moment Lucas and Max kiss at the end of season two. Then there’s the stunning image of balloons exploding in a hail of blood as a school dance turns into something even darker than Ella Fitzgerald’s Dream a Little Dream of Me—the song playing on the radio when Henry Creel murdered his family.
In The Upside Down, Robin, Steve, and Nancy are caught strangled with claws while Eddie and Dustin go to bat. (Battle, geddit?) To help Dustin escape, Eddie heads back to the Upside Down to sword-fight with a swarm of demon bats. We see? Hero bullshit. called!
eleven pieces
Lucas realizes he never wanted to be popular and normal, but his fight with Jason shattered Max’s musical lifeline. Fortunately, Eleven arrived on the dance floor just in time to confront the demon she had inadvertently created.
The creature formerly known as Henry Creel regains the upper hand, and Eleven is crucified against the now-familiar door of the murder house where Max is raised to become the final sacrifice. Eleven does not use her telekinetic powers, but rather spreads her sympathy for Henry. Unfortunately, she didn’t go down because Henry doesn’t blame Brenner, the average mid-level guy, for turning him into a Vicna. blames eleven.
From Russia with love in Stranger Things Season 4.
In a flashback, we see Vecna/Henry/One explore the Upside Down, a world he sees as uncontaminated by humans. Become the “predator that was always meant to be” with the help of the hateful mind Flyer. “It was always you,” Eleven sighed as she traced back to the Mindflyer’s possession of Billy’s form in previous seasons, realizing that she was in fact seeking to open the gates from the Upside Down.
While ’80s pop music helped Max escape from Vicna, now Mike’s lyrics are music to Eleven’s ears as he finally says “I love you.” With or without powers, she is his superhero. It is worth noting that this season is all about families and friends who keep in touch with each other no matter how far away they are. Things go wrong when characters stop talking, like Jonathan and Nancy, or Lucas ignores the Hellfire Club, or even Henry Creel turns on his family. But Mike and El’s love letters, Hopper’s dream on a date night, Max’s notes, and Mike calling Eleven and she, in turn, communicating with Max – these are all screaming their love for each other, refusing to let their relationship fizzle out.
In an epic climax that will surely have everyone cheering, Running Up That Hill swells as Eleven blasts into the Vecna with her signature move. Joyce and Jim beat the ultimate demogors while Steve and Robin toss Molotov cocktails. And Nancy? She does not miss.
But the victory is bittersweet as Eddie dies in Dustin’s arms. This moment is undermined a bit as the no-nonsense Eddie walks away from the dynasties of Moby, but it’s still heartbreaking.
Max died broken and blinded in Lucas’ arms – a continuation of the Vicna murder quartet. The words of the seemingly defeated villain are ringing in our ears ahead of the fifth and final season.
“This is only the beginning,” warns Henry/Vecna Eleven. “The beginning of the end. You’ve already lost.” As the clock ticks, a wide, terrifying gate opens Hawkins City. What an end! The villain is defeated, but an even greater threat looms! What a cliffhanger!
Well, there is still 30 minutes left.
won’t stop
The final half hour is filled with emotional rewards with the gang emotionally reunited amid the fallout. Two days later, a “7.4-magnitude earthquake” shook the town, killing and injuring dozens. To make matters worse, heroine Eddie Monson and the innocent Hellfire Club are blamed for demonic events. Dustin is still at least able to tell Eddie’s uncle the truth (mostly).
Having already saved the world, the gang volunteered to help with relief efforts. Robin’s crush, Vicky, joins her on PB&J duty, and it looks like romance might be on paper after all. Hopper and Joyce tearfully meet Eleven, who searches a dark and empty mental landscape for Max – who turns out to be alive but in a coma.
Frighteningly, he’ll still have a connection to Vecna/Henry/One after his acquisition in Season 2. And he knows that the terrifying demon is infected, but it still exists. The hair on the back of his neck stands as clouds gather and strange particles fall on the Hawkins people, poisoning plants and opening a frightening portal. This is a repeat of the moment in Season 2 Episode 1 where Will had a vision of the Mind Flyer before he had it – except this time everyone can see it, because it’s already happening…
And so the stage is set for the fifth season of Stranger Things!
Strangest things Steve survives! Surfer Boy Pizza brochachos gave us an epic A-Team-style scene, with added pizza pie. It seems absurd that, amid demons and government intrigue, the fate of the world is nearly derailed by a dick in a university jacket. But the handsome and popular douchebag is one of the biggest ’80s movies, so it’s fitting that he plays a major role in this nerdy ’80s show. Technically, Max and Vecna are fighting in a mental world, so why are their powers limited to being the same as those in the real world? Murray quotes Star Wars (“I have a bad feeling about this”) as the adults sneak into prison, while Robin’s after-tentacle joke (“I don’t believe in a higher power or divine intervention, but that was a miracle”) echoes that famous scene with Samuel L. Jackson and John Travolta in Pulp Fiction. ) appeals to Yuri’s best nature by noting his Damansky experience in the 1969 Sino-Soviet border conflict, where he loves eleven pineapple pizzas. Try before she denies, Joyce has flashbacks to the death of Bob Newby, her boyfriend in Season 2, played by Sean Astin. In Max’s bed, Lucas reads The Talisman, a 1984 fantasy novel by Stephen King and Peter Straub. Interestingly enough, this is also a story with a parallel dimension that ends with an earthquake – then the novel reveals multiple parallel worlds. Why wouldn’t anyone consider sticking with a Walkman in a trance Max? Movies Coming in 2022 from Marvel, Netflix, DC, and more See all pictures
Sources 2/ https://www.cnet.com/culture/entertainment/stranger-things-season-4-recap-episode-9-ending-explained/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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