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Earth shaking in New Jersey

Earth shaking in New Jersey


The USGS did not record an earthquake in New Jersey on Monday, but many people reported a tremor.

Reports began getting logs on before 1 p.m. from Ocean, Cumberland, and Cape May counties.



“Rattering in the distance and our building shaking in an extraordinary way,” is how one person in Rio Grande described it.

Others described “mild shaking”. Another said it was “a complex movement that is difficult to describe”.

A report from the Cape May court said, “The whole house shook and shook for a few seconds. The state park driveway was at the end of my street, I thought maybe it was a big truck until it happened the second time.”

In South Seville, a resident reported that their home “shake violently for 3 seconds and then again after 5 minutes, and again for 3 seconds.”



So what was it?

There were multiple reports of windows rattling “like a bang or an explosion” or “like an airplane flying low”.

Military activity is a possibility. Jets flying out of Naval Air Force Station Patuxent River in Maryland have been known to fly off the Jersey Shore and make sonic booms.

Live artillery training at Joint Base McGuire Dix-Lakehurst has also been known to cause the earth to shake.

However, the military has not commented on whether this was the reason.

Conspiracy theorists have speculated that this is all related to some patriotic earth-shaking phenomenon, flashes of light and loud booms. To date, there is no evidence to support any association between any of these reports.

Earthquakes are not particularly unusual in New Jersey. It’s happening.

More than a dozen people have been officially registered by the USGS since 1979.

The largest earthquake occurred recently in 2020. A 3.1-magnitude earthquake struck near Freehold. In 2015, a magnitude 2.5 earthquake was recorded.

A fault line in New Jersey

There is a fault line that runs through the northwest part of New Jersey. A fault line is where the Earth’s tectonic plates meet. When they move, they cause an earthquake.

The Ramapo fault line extends more than 185 miles from Pennsylvania, through New Jersey and into New York State near the Indian Point Nuclear Power Plant.

This fault zone is not believed to be more active than any other in the United States, but it has caused many small earthquakes over the years.

Eric Scott is the Chief Political Officer and anchor of New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at [email protected]

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