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Australian firefighters on a search and rescue mission recounted the “utter devastation” of the Turkey earthquake

Australian firefighters on a search and rescue mission recounted the “utter devastation” of the Turkey earthquake


Specialist firefighter Natalie Tarrant initially found it difficult to describe what it was like to witness the devastation in Turkey after the devastating earthquakes.

She felt mentally prepared for the task ahead when flying in from Australia, but hitting the ground was a different story.

“It was like a Hollywood movie scene. It was just utter devastation,” she said.

“Wherever I looked, there were ramshackle buildings, wrecked cars, people’s personal belongings littering the streets.”

Based in Newcastle, which was hit by a 5.6 earthquake in 1989, Ms Tarrant is specially trained in urban search and rescue.

She was among 70 Fire and Rescue NSW personnel deployed to Turkey and Syria to join the rescue effort, after earthquakes devastated both countries, killing more than 50,000 people.

More than 22 tons of equipment were used to search 27 regions.

The group worked 14 hours a day for 14 days straight.

Ms Tarrant didn’t hesitate to raise her hand to help when the call went out (Supplied: Fire and Rescue NSW)

All she can do is put herself in their shoes.

“I just thought, ‘What am I going to do if this happens to Newcastle?'” “

“What do I do if this happens to my friends, family homes and businesses? How am I going to deal with it? What am I going to try to do to make the locals feel better?”

More than 50,000 people have died in Turkey and Syria (Supplied: Fire and Rescue NSW).

To protect her mental health, she said she emotionally disconnected when searching for people who might still be trapped under the rubble.

It was a grim situation, given that most of her efforts involved recovering more than 30 bodies.

But she knew it was an important job.

“Giving back to families loved ones, which took her away from the hurting side,” she said.

Ms Tarrant described the devastation as ‘like a movie scene’ (Supplied: Fire and Rescue NSW)

Then it turned into…a rewarding experience, and that’s what took hold of him.

“We know we’ve made a difference there, you can see it in people’s faces.”

The gratitude of the locals was very palpable, despite the freezing conditions and the little they had to offer as crews cleared each site.

“They were giving us tea, coffee and biscuits because they had nothing else to give,” she said.

“They’d give you a heart, give you a little nod, just come over and try to shake your hand, and they could see the Australian flag on our shoulder and the kangaroo on our back.

“They were just lovely, lovely people, just so grateful for what happened and they were so resilient.”

Mrs. Tarrant has been involved in a lot of recovery missions, rather than live rescues.

Mrs. Tarrant was horrified when she fell asleep one night when she fell asleep.

“It must have been a little after ten o’clock,” she said. “I was in the tent with my tent mate and it was so chaotic.”

“We got bumped and rolled for what seemed like a few minutes… It was very scary.

“We had a few locals set up where our base of operations was and they were just hysterical.

“They only went through that a few weeks ago and thought the same thing was happening again.”

It was the most terrifying experience she had during her time away, but fortunately everyone around her was fine.

Now that she’s home and back to work, Mrs. Tarrant is grateful for her usual routine of seeing friends and family, and eating more than just a ration packet.

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