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1124 buildings in northeastern Israel could collapse due to an earthquake

1124 buildings in northeastern Israel could collapse due to an earthquake


(March 14, 2023/JNS) Ninety-three percent of all buildings awaiting reinforcements in cities in northeastern Israel could collapse if an earthquake strikes with sufficient strength, according to an Israeli government report released Tuesday.

Government ministries and municipal authorities did not do enough to prepare for an earthquake scenario in the five cities of Beit She’an, Tiberias, Safed, Kiryat Shmona and Hazor Hagalilit, according to the state comptroller’s report.

Although the Ministry of Construction and Housing has budgeted for building reinforcement, only 84 (7%) of the 1,208 buildings requiring reinforcement have undergone this process.

The report stated that “at this rate it would take decades to complete the reinforcement of all residential buildings” as there was an “immediate and tangible risk” that they could collapse if an earthquake of sufficient strength struck.

Regarding access to the respective towns in the event of an earthquake, three of the four bridges leading to Beit She’an are expected to collapse. The municipalities of Tiberias, Safed, Kiryat Shmona, and Hazor Hagalilit agreed to remove it as well.

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Israel has scrambled to improve its earthquake preparedness in the wake of the quakes that hit Turkey and Syria on Feb. 6, which, along with hundreds of aftershocks, killed an estimated 48,440 people in the first and 7,250 in the second, in what the World Health Organization called the world’s worst natural disaster. area a century ago.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu directed National Security Council Chairman Tzachi Hanegbi to “update and repeat the steps we need to take.”

The Knesset’s Internal Affairs and Environment Committee called an emergency meeting, and State Comptroller Matanyahu Engelman urged the government not to delay, saying the wave of deadly earthquakes in the area should be taken as a warning.

Experts stressed that Israel’s preparation for the earthquake is insufficient. A 2018 report by the former comptroller estimated that a major earthquake could result in 7,000 casualties and leave 170,000 people homeless. A report from last year found that 600,000 buildings in the country did not meet earthquake resistance standards.

Israel lies along the Great Rift Valley, an active geological fault line that presents several significant risks to the area, including frequent small earthquakes and the potential for more serious seismic events.

Israel has had a long history of earthquakes, with a major earthquake occurring approximately every 100 years. The last major earthquake to hit the country was in 1927. This quake, with a magnitude of 6.2, claimed 284 lives and injured 940 others. The epicenter of the earthquake was in the northern Dead Sea region. Extensive damage was caused to Jerusalem, Jericho, Ramleh, Tiberias and Nablus.




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