Magnitude 4.3 earthquake hits Dhaka
Residents of Dhaka and elsewhere woke up to a 4.3-magnitude earthquake Friday morning that shook many buildings.
The earthquake occurred at 5:57 am and lasted for a few seconds. The epicenter was about 23 kilometers from the capital near Srinagar in Munshiganj, according to the United States Geological Survey (USGS).
There were no immediate reports of injuries or a fire risk.
On the 5th of December last year, Dhaka and several other parts of the country were hit by a magnitude 5.2 earthquake. Another earthquake of magnitude 4 was felt in Dhaka on April 25.
Experts say that 90% of earthquake deaths occur when people are trapped inside a building that was constructed by breaking the rules and if they don’t know what to do during or after the earthquake.
Earthquakes affect faulty buildings and other structures. Buildings and roads cause cracks, tilt or collapse when hit by a strong earthquake. Thus, earthquake damage can be reduced by identifying and modifying faulty buildings, and making new structures earthquake-resistant.
Bangladesh is located in three fault zones, and three cities – Sylhet, Chittagong and Dhaka – are located in the hot spots. Experts say that a strong earthquake caused by any of the three faults will cause massive damage to buildings, bridges and supply channels for utility services, and may cause hundreds of thousands of deaths.
What is an earthquake?
Earthquakes or tremors are intense shaking of the Earth’s surface, caused by movements in the outermost layer – a common natural phenomenon.
Earth’s hard crust and solid mantle layer – known as the lithosphere – are made up of giant puzzle pieces called tectonic plates. These plates are constantly shifting as they drift around the viscous or slowly flowing mantle layer below.
The place where an earthquake begins is called the epicenter. The most intense shaking of an earthquake is often felt near the epicenter. However, the vibrations from an earthquake can be felt and detected hundreds or even thousands of miles away from the epicenter.
Aftershocks occur near the fault zone where the main shock rupture occurred and are part of the “readaptation process” after the main slip on the fault. Aftershocks become less frequent with time, although they can last for days, weeks, months, or even years for a very significant shock.
what should be done?
Early identification of potential hazards can save lives.
* Repairing gypsum cracks in ceilings and foundations.
* Place large or heavy items on the lower shelves.
* Repairing faulty electrical wiring and leaking gas connections.
* Determine the internal columns and beams that can serve as safe areas.
* Post emergency telephone numbers in an appropriate place in your home.
* Some earthquakes are actually earthquakes and a larger earthquake may occur immediately.
* Keep away from glass, windows and anything that could fall.
* Do not use elevators.
* If you are outside, stay away from buildings, street lights, and utility wires.
* If you are in a moving vehicle, stop and stay in the vehicle, and avoid getting under trees, bridges, and utility wires.
* If you get trapped under debris, do not light a match, move, or pick up dust.
* Tap on a pipe or wall so rescuers can locate you.
* Cover your mouth with a tissue or clothing.
* Check yourself for injuries or help injured or trapped people.
* Do not attempt to transport seriously injured people unless they are in immediate danger of further injury.
* Clean up spilled medications, bleach, gasoline or other flammable liquids immediately.
* Inspect your home/office for damage. If it is damaged or a crack appears, take it outside.
Sources 2/ https://www.dhakatribune.com/bangladesh/2023/05/05/43-magnitude-quake-jolts-dhaka The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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