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The research found that a tsunami caused by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake would reach the coast of British Columbia in about 20 minutes

The research found that a tsunami caused by a magnitude 9.0 earthquake would reach the coast of British Columbia in about 20 minutes


If a magnitude 9.0 earthquake hits the Cascadia Subduction Zone, along the coast of British Columbia and the United States, the tsunami would reach the outer coast of northwest Vancouver Island in about 20 minutes.

The height of the waves is estimated at 5.9 meters, followed by a rise on the ground that may exceed 12 meters in height.

This is just part of the findings of the BC Coastal Hazard Assessment Plan to help communities and the province plan for emergencies.

Research from the Canadian Ocean Network (ONC), Strathcona Regional and Northwest Hydraulic Consultants as well as Ka:’yu:’k’t’h’/Che:k:tles7et’h’ First Nations and Nuchatlaht First Nation will help determine estimated arrival times and extents. Flooding of a tsunami caused by an earthquake off the coast of British Columbia.

“The aim of our project was to first identify the hazards in the study area, what is the height of the tsunami wave, the current speeds and the arrival time of the tsunami waves, as well as how to communicate these risks to the public through several risk maps and baselines,” said Suroosh Kohi, an applied scientist specializing in Ocean. Network Canada, according to Global News, “We built for the project.”

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“It is important to raise public awareness through the information we have provided in this project.”

0:52 Earthquake triggers tsunami warning off coast of Alaska, BC also records earthquake near Tofino

One of the biggest takeaways from the project, Kawhi said, is how quickly tsunamis can reach parts of the British Columbia coast in less than 30 minutes if the earthquake occurred in the Cascadia subduction zone.

He added that communities on the west coast of Vancouver Island and others such as Tahsis and Zeballos are most at risk from a dangerous tsunami.

5:05 Tsunami threat still exists in British Columbia

“We are working regularly with communities on their preparedness and plans for tsunami activities,” Bowen Ma, Minister of Emergency Management and Climate Preparedness, told Global News Tuesday.

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“We have funding provided through the Community Readiness Fund to support communities in the work they do. For example, Tofino recently received funding to plan a vertical escape structure for its residents.”

Ma said the province has staff 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, monitoring seismic activity off the coast and if a tsunami might occur at that time. She added that if a tsunami risk is identified, the provincial government has the ability to broadcast emergency alerts to communities at risk.

“I was just out in Ucluelet in April and took part in their upland hike,” Ma added. “So, communities, during tsunami preparedness week, often perform or participate in these high altitude and tsunami preparedness activities where they rehearse with the community where the high ground is in the community.”

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Kouhi said the results of this project can help communities better prepare for tsunamis and update their emergency plans.

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Archie Little, a member of the Nuchatlaht First Nation Council, located just west of Zeballos, said he remembers the 1964 tsunami that hit Port Alberni.

This tsunami was caused by a magnitude 9.2 earthquake off the coast of Alaska.

“The tsunami generated by the earthquake swept south along the British Columbia coast, and into coastal fairways and inlets. It penetrated rivers, and was even recorded at Pitt Lake, a freshwater tidal lake 30 miles out to sea,” according to a report by the Fisheries Corporation. Canadian fish and oceans.

Little said he was at boarding school on Meares Island, at the time, and the tidal wave hit in the afternoon.

He added, “The tide came in about two or three times and rose a few hundred feet, just in and out.”

ONC also helped produce a documentary about the history of the West Coast tsunami from an Aboriginal perspective.

A few said they showed the documentary in Port Alberni but many young people did not attend.

“These are the ones we need to focus on to make sure they know, to ensure they are prepared and not wait until the last minute to start grabbing things because it will be too late.

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“It is coming. It is just a matter of when and whenever we prepare, we will survive.”

and copy 2023 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.




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