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People’s needs are stacked months after the earthquake in Türkiye – Türkiye

People’s needs are stacked months after the earthquake in Türkiye – Türkiye


Devastating earthquakes struck southeastern Turkey on February 6 and left deep scars among those affected. More than 51,000 people died, 210,000 buildings collapsed, and 890,000 sustained severe or moderate damage due to earthquakes and aftershocks.

“The early days were dark. Our people were miserable and hungry. It was cold,” says Ali, an elected community leader in the Sovular neighborhood of Antakya, Hatay.

“The situation was miserable,” says Ali. “No one knew what to do. Where are their family members, neighbors, sons and daughters? No one knows.”

“We have struggled to come to our senses since the earthquakes,” says Birgül, from Adiyaman. “We can’t even stay in a room by ourselves. We choose to stay together to support each other,” she says.

immediate response to earthquakes

Birgül is just one of some 9.1 million people directly affected by the earthquakes, of which 5.2 million are still in need of humanitarian aid. Although the initial phase of the response has ended, there are still long-term needs that need to be met, especially when it comes to mental health, water and sanitation services, hygiene provision and other essential items.

Since the earthquakes, MSF has supported Turkish civil society and NGOs in responding to mental health and psychosocial support as well as water and sanitation needs.

Says Wayne Chang, a water and sanitation manager who works with an MSF-supported NGO, Yardim Konfuyu.

“We can’t even stay in a room by ourselves. We choose to stay together to support each other.” Bargul, the survivor from Adiyaman

By the end of April, MSF-supported NGOs had provided and installed 61 water tanks, 312 latrines and 160 showers, and distributed more than 2.5 million cubic meters of potable water to those affected. Also, 96.6 tons of fruits and vegetables, 390,500 meals, 53.1 tons of firewood, 38,154 hygiene kits, 321 tents, 31 containers, and other materials were donated and distributed to those in need.

Responding to the different needs of society

Turkish NGOs, with the support of MSF and other aid organizations, also donated a water pump and water tanks to the damaged Hatay Training and Research Hospital. The hospital had to move its services to a field hospital tent set up in its yard.

“Due to the lack of latrines and water supplies during the first 72 hours following the earthquakes, we had to find alternative ways to meet basic needs,” says Salami, a first response volunteer and medical technician at the hospital.

“However, once the water tanks arrived, the situation improved significantly and we were able to attend to sanitation needs more comfortably.”

safe space

As of 4 May, some 2.6 million people are still living in tents, while more than 157,000 people are housed in 85,500 containers. In response, our teams provided technical and financial support to local NGOs, to construct and establish three psycho-social and livelihood centers in Adiyaman, Malatya and Kahramanmaraş, called “NEFES”. “Nefes” is a common Turkish word that describes what these centers offer: the opportunity to take a deep breath after the aftermath of an earthquake.

“These are safe havens in central locations, open to all people, especially women and girls,” says Markus Bachmann, MSF emergency coordinator. “They not only provide psychosocial support, but also activities for children, as well as washing machines and showers. They also provide separate rooms for nursing mothers so that they can breastfeed their babies in peace.”

“Because of the number of people staying in tents and containers, there was a need for a warm and safe place, where people can feel comfortable and have access to psychosocial support and other services,” says Hanin Cifdogan, project coordinator at local NGO Imece Inisiyatifi.

“We have created a space where psychologists and psychiatrists can also conduct one-on-one sessions.”




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