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Better technology means better medicine


Health Secretary Matt Hancock promises a future NHS that will double technological advances.

He also said that the future NHS will focus on collaboration, speed and innovation by ruining bureaucrats.

In a speech at the Royal College of Medicine, Hancock said the coronavirus pandemic is acting as a catalyst for innovation and data-driven decision making, saying he would like to double the technological breakthroughs in healthcare and social care.

Just like the war, we were forced to improvise some new ways of doing things that would be permanent because it’s a better way for us to do things, Hancock said and said in the last 30 years. Was scattered in a top-down reorganization, adding the NHS, the Big Bang structural reforms, theories, pilots, reports, and numerous boards and committees.

But the important thing has changed. In the post-coronavirus world, he didn’t have to rely on theory, he said.

You need to know how NHS and social care worked at peak times. Many things went well so we had to bottle the best.

He also said that multiple arm and body organizations and organizations such as the British Medical Association (BMA), Royal College, and National Healthcare Care Excellence are all about collaboration, speed and innovation that the NHS should be the bottleneck for. I agree.

Sarah Wilkinson, CEO of NHS Digital, spoke to Computer Weekly during the coronavirus pandemic, alluding to the same idea. She explained that projects that normally take months to approve and deploy can be completed in days. This is because during the crisis there is only time to deliver and not a long pondering period. She added there would be another NHS when we came out on the other side.

During his speech, Hancock begged him that people at all levels would never return and said the bureaucracy promised to never return.

He is persistent in making technology one of the core issues of the NHS, but added that the pandemic has shown that better technology leads to better health care.

He has made it easy to link millions of primary care records to the latest coronavirus data, he said. Helps make the world’s largest analysis of coronavirus risk factors.

This work usually took years, but thanks to a new framework for processing the data, it took only 42 days from proposal to execution.

Hancock added that opponents are wrong when people say they don’t want to use technology. Prior to the advent of the coronavirus, some said some people believed that people over the age of 25 could only respond in an interview.

What I can say is that NHS Digital, NHSX and the NHS teams across the country were enthusiastic about digital transformation as we thank God for not listening to the rebels.

Consultation by phone and video

Hancock also said that telephone and video consultations were very successful during the pandemic, and all consultations should now be distance consultations unless there is an unavoidable reason.

The NHS has also released a provisional People Plan 2020-21. This includes plans for a new online learning hub that will cover training on new ways of working such as remote consultation, remote triage, and remote learning for colleagues relocated to other regions.

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