Earthed Early Access Review-Little Acorn
Editor’s Note: This review evaluates Grounded based on initial access status. We will review Grounded again once we have the full release.
Think about your favorite survival game. Remember how they launched. Consider their first public release. If your favorites are mine, you’ll notice trends: none of them were so good when they were first released to the public.
The Subnautica had me on the edge of my seat at startup, but it ran badly. Four years later, that 1.0 build was one of my favorite games of the year, including God of War and Red Dead Redemption 2. Similarly, Forrest eventually launched a mere shadow of a terrifying adventure. No man’s sky was criticized almost universally at launch, but eventually it reached and exceeded that potential. Grounded by Obsidian Entertainment is currently in the early stages of the early access phase mentioned above and is lacking in many ways. But like the game above, it feels like it can grow into something much bigger.
A co-op survival game like many others, Grounded puts you in the position of one of four tween explorers and challenges you to live. Instead of sending you to an isolated island or ocean-covered planet, Grounded attacks you in a suburban backyard. Twist? You are half the normal size. You can live out of situations like Honey I Shrink the Kids, Magic School Bus, Anatomy Park and more. If you are familiar with these situations, it is very cool to join them.
You wake up without remembering how you landed in this situation, and your goal is twofold: how to get back to normal size (probably even bigger due to basketball reasons) and to survive more urgently Think of the way. Neither purpose is so simple.
In its current state, you can actually put together Grounded story content in less than 30 minutes. Knowing what you are doing and where you are going will rarely prevent you from completing the steps required to “end” the game. From there, you can complete basic quests and continue exploring and building in the backyard world, but you can’t achieve the goals of the story.
Of course, the story is far from complete in its present form. After you finish what’s available, you won’t be “big” again. Other parts are not yet implemented. It’s not surprising. Survival games focused on other stories like Subnautica and The Forest were the same as they were at launch. After a short period, you really are left behind with only one goal: survival.
Survival games are about priority management. The good ones are a series of checklists, an important task to check each day in the game to get a fresh start on the list tomorrow. But the thrill of playing a good survival game comes from how priority management leads to an unexpected storyline.
Grounded is easy to start with. I need food and water. The first day is to consider what you can and cannot eat. You can eat mushrooms and be sure to find water dew hanging from the leaves of the grass. Unfortunately, you’re the size of a Lego doll’s hand, so you’ll notice ticks trying to eat you.
Suddenly the priority changes. Now you need food, water, and something to protect yourself. Grounded features an excellent system in the form of SCA.B OS, which details craft recipes. Unfortunately, you’ll have to make a spear while you’re looking for pebbles, twigs, and plant fibers, but you might get caught in a cobweb. Also, the priority will change. Grounded has a compelling survival game hook.
Progression is superficially tied to a “scanning” mechanism that feeds objects into the computer to learn new recipes, but true growth comes from your own internalization. The better you understand the world, the better you can manage your needs and needs. And that knowledge leads to the ability to change your control strategy. Grounded, even in the larval form, offers a variety of ways to counter the pressure of survival. You can make a dining room to carry water and a tank to store it. You can cook food, make walls, make armor, weapons and more.
And by understanding these, you can further refine your task list to improve efficiency. Even if you’re a miniature Beargrills, the narrative of 2 to 2 seconds is constantly changing because there’s always something you can’t explain about the corner (thankfully, the game is spider-phobia). There is a corresponding mode). The map layout is fixed from run to run, but many resource and enemy placements are not. So, even if you know exactly what you’re doing, there’s an air of necessity to know that things are always just a moment away from being so wrong.
At some point in a successful run, two giant Wolf Spiders-a messy leap beast about the size of a Range Rover compared to player characters- decided to leave the house and destroy the group’s base. .. We didn’t do anything to provoke an attack and couldn’t kill two Wolf Spiders at once, so we were forced to just sit and watch when the base was destroyed. Or thought so. When two ladybirds appeared and began attacking the spiders, we were saved from a sure death.
What makes survival games so special is that no one else speaks exactly the same. And grounded nails, which are the elements that emerge in a natural and consequent way. It’s the same feeling when the mutant attacks the base in The Forest, or when Leviathan attacks the cyclops in Subnautica. These are common occurrences, but the circumstances surrounding them make them affectionate and personal.
Bringing Grounded back to Earth is a deep priority. Survival loops in current games are too short and easy to manage, and cannot be fully grasped. And apart from doing the quests of BURG-L, a handy grill robot that marks the end of the game’s current story content, there’s little reason to extend reach beyond their understanding.
In fact, in its current form, building a gigantic base in ways other than creative mode is a Siciphian effort. The story of the Wolf Spider’s dual attack is my own, but it’s not a rare event. Many players in the community talk about overly hostile wildlife and its devastating desires. The tape you found-yes, audiotape is the device of the main story-finally find out why insects are so agro because it suggests that wildlife suddenly has become unusually hostile. maybe. Until it can be processed, it’s basically better to build the base into a permanent structure, like a soda can. Still, it only has the greatest negative impact.
And while Grounded has plans to expand steadily, some areas of the map have tapes that are “working”, but the world as a whole feels a bit smaller on early access. As an aside, the map doesn’t feel like square feet because it feels vast. You move around it quickly, jump high and receive little damage from falling. You can also grab a dandelion and glide. The game has the feel of a cartoon adventure, so the arcade-style movement makes sense, but a thorough understanding of the map effectively shrinks it at higher speeds.
Oddly enough, the game has no radial compass. This makes it hard to find your way at first. Landmarks are hard to find, so it’s easy to turn in some litterbug backyard grass stalk forests. The only thing that really slows down when you bunny hop through the map until you get the heading (and add trail markers) is to tap M to find your destination.
Grounded has the foundation needed to turn it into a great survival game, but it has a long way to go. The terminology of the title comes from aviation-they are grounded if the pilot notices that they cannot fly for some reason. A good name for the current Obsidian advancement into Co-op survival. However, like a balsa plane, the Grounded has a strong rubber band overhang. It’s pure and pure potential energy, all we can do is wait for that rubber band to snap or see if the game succeeds. I think it will fly.
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