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Eclipses and earthquakes, oh my (Jeff Edelstein column) – Trentonian

Eclipses and earthquakes, oh my (Jeff Edelstein column) – Trentonian


It's been an eventful few days around these parts. Of course, I am talking about the solar eclipse, which was expected, and the earthquake, which was not expected.

First, the eclipse: pretty amazing, although the sky turned cloudy 15 minutes before we reached the 90% threshold. Still, it was great to see it, and now I'm kind of sad that I didn't travel a bit to see it all.

But don't worry! For those of you who want to stay in your backyard and watch a total solar eclipse, New Jersey will have a solar eclipse on May 1.

That's May 1, 2079, to be clear. Let me do some math here… I would be 107 years old.

Well, shez. I think if I wanted to see a total solar eclipse, I'd do some traveling.

At least I have earthquakes to look forward to/worry about. Real: What's with the earthquake? It registered a magnitude of 4.8 on the Richter scale, marking the largest earthquake in the state since Chris Christie sat in a beach chair.

In fact, this event was the largest since 1783. No joke here. Of course, 4.8 isn't exactly earth-shaking. (Okay, I mean it's technically an earthquake shaking the ground, but you get the idea.) As my brother in San Francisco quipped when he heard about the earthquake: “I could eat a bowl of hot soup on my lap at this level.” “.

However, I generally don't like the feeling of the ground moving beneath my feet, and I can assure you that I would hate the feeling of the sky falling.

Which brings me to tornadoes.

I don't remember tornadoes hitting New Jersey when I was a kid. but now? It seems like every spring and summer we hear about hurricanes and their evil cousin, straight-line winds.

If I wanted to worry about tornadoes, I'd move to Oklahoma or something. I don't need the stress of a hurricane in my life, and yet, here we are. I've been to the basement several times in the past few years.

Let's not forget the tornadoes, for all the concern we have about tornadoes, they don't seem to cause that much damage in New Jersey. Yes, I remember Superstorm Sandy, but in reality: there's always a big threat every year, and not much happens every year.

Famous last words when we put tape on our windows in a few months…

Can we talk about heat waves while we're here? It gets hotter and hotter every summer. Destined for some kind of heat-related disaster at some point.

Ummm? What is this? There is a volcano in New Jersey? No there isn't. there? In Sussex County? Rutan Hill? Come here.

tsunami? No no! Yes? Two of them in New Jersey history, one in 1938 and the other in 1944? To Real Madrid? Hey sheesh.

Let's not forget the danger of wildfires. After all — insert Debbie Downer meme — the Pine Barrens are poised to be the site of the worst wildfire in American history. There was a whole article in Rolling Stone about this a few years ago.

Good. I was going to write a fun little column about eclipses and earthquakes and ended up making myself take Xanax. Good day.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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