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The offer to help Lebanon does not mean welcoming its flag


After the horrific bombings that rocked Beirut on Tuesday, which left at least 135 people dead and more than 4,000 wounded, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu conveyed his condolences to the people of Lebanon, and offered to help, “as human beings.”

President Reuven Rivlin also expressed his grief, saying that Israel “shares the Lebanese pain in this catastrophe and extends a hand to help in this difficult time.”

IDF spokesperson, Brigadier General. Hadi Zilberman tweeted: “Humanitarian aid for Lebanon – now is the time to rise above any conflict.”

The presenter. Avishai Adri, head of the Arab media department of the IDF Spokesperson Unit, tweeted on Twitter: “Upon instructions from the Minister of Defense and the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Israel arrived in Lebanon through international diplomatic officials and offered the Lebanese government humanitarian medical assistance. Israel has a lot of experience in These areas have been proven by the humanitarian delegations that have sent them around the world in recent years.

Certainly. The following examples, which do not scratch the surface of Israeli missions to other countries struck by tragedies and natural disasters, are illustrative examples.

In October 2018, Israel sent military and police personnel to Jordan to assist in search and rescue efforts after sudden floods killed 18 people and injured 35 others.

In April 2015, Israel dispatched teams to assist Nepal in its efforts to cope with the Gorka earthquake, which killed nearly 9,000 people and injured 22,000.

In March 2011, Israel sent crews to Japan, which was struck by a catastrophic earthquake and tsunami that killed about 16,000 people and buried more than 2,500 in rubble.

In January 2010, Israeli aid workers arrived in Haiti to help the country devastated by a violent earthquake that killed an estimated 300,000 people and displaced an additional 1 million people.

In August 2009, Israeli medical teams provided relief to Taiwan during one of the worst seasons in its history, which left hundreds of people dead.

In September 2009, Israeli teams went to the Philippines – struck by Hurricane Kitsuna and Parma, which killed 600 people – and established field hospitals to treat the injured.

In August 2005, Israel assisted the United States in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, which killed more than 1,200 people.

In October 2005, Israeli relief crews traveled to Kashmir to assist the Pakistani-administered region struck by a brutal earthquake that killed more than 80,000 people.

In December 2004, Israeli teams rushed to the site of the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami, which left 227,898 dead.

The list is ongoing, and this list does not include the continuous medical treatment that is provided to Syrians injured in the bloody civil war in their country, or to family members of Hamas and Fatah terrorists who have undergone surgery in Israeli hospitals.

This does not mean that any of the above mentioned matters to you, because until now the Lebanese government has ignored Israel’s initiatives. Many, if not most of its citizens, consider the Jewish state a deadly enemy. A resident of Beirut whom I interviewed on Channel 12 Ohad Chemo on Wednesday, for example, actually said that he “prefers death” over receiving help from the Israelis.

Ironically, Lebanon’s major beef with Israel is the latter’s hardline stance toward the former for harboring and harboring the Shi’ite terrorist organization Hezbollah, which takes its orders from the ayatollahs in Iran. Hezbollah exploits the Lebanese people by using it as shields for its nefarious activities and by storing rockets under their homes and schools. It also constitutes a strong bloc in the Lebanese parliament.

With great care to avoid hurting Lebanese citizens in the summer of 2006, when Hezbollah rockets were raining in northern Israel without stopping, the Israeli government went so far as to endanger IDF soldiers in the process. However, the ceasefire agreement and Security Council Resolution 1701, which put an end to the fighting, have ended up being more than a makeshift bandage on a deep rush.

In the years since then, Hezbollah has worked, without restrictions, to rebuild and increase its arsenals. It has also built a network of terrorist tunnels, through which weapons are transported and kidnapped or killed, and IDF soldiers and civilians are killed. The last of these secret underground threats were closed by the IDF last year in June.

This did not prevent Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah – holed up in hiding – from repeatedly threatening Israel with massive “retaliation” for IDF attacks on convoys of weapons, terrorists, and Iranian elements.

Three years ago, he even pledged to launch a missile attack on the ammonia storage facility in Haifa. He said the effect would be equivalent to five nuclear bombs. He also boasted that tens of thousands of Israelis would perish in such an event.

Although the actual cause of this week’s explosions at the ammonium nitrate warehouse in the Beirut port has yet to be determined, all eyes are on Nasrallah. At the very least, the Lebanese people view it as indirectly responsible for the incident, because it is difficult for anyone to believe that this combustion occurred simply as a result of 2750 tons of “fertilizers” in some way. The most likely scenario is that the rockets were hanging around the pens as well.

Lebanon was already in a bad enough condition, thanks in large part to Hezbollah reforms that would have made the country eligible for foreign financial aid. On the verge of an economic meltdown – in the midst of the coronary virus crisis, to boot – the Hizballah’s bad struggle toward Israel was the last thing the Lebanese government or people wanted.

Meanwhile, the ruling of four Hezbollah terrorists accused of assassinating former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in a truck bombing in 2005 in the Netherlands this weekend was supposed to be pronounced. However, to respect the victims of Tuesday’s blasts, the United Nations Special Court in Lebanon decided to postpone the court session until August 18.

Nasrallah must bend in hiding now – not for fear of Israeli conspiracies. The Lebanese people are tired of it and the patients who caused it. His masters in Tehran may also not be happy. No wonder he canceled the rattling speech he was planning to deliver on video Wednesday evening. He will be lucky to stay alive long enough to produce his next clip.

This does not mean leaving Lebanon out of trouble, as it relates to its position towards Israel. On the contrary, both Lebanese President Michel Aoun and Prime Minister Hassan Diab were directing their anger over the recent cross-border incidents launched by Hezbollah not on Nasrallah, but on Netanyahu.

Thus, the decision of Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Holday to shed light on the municipal building with the Lebanese flag on Wednesday night was not only in his place, but was flagrant. To ward off criticism that he knew would arise in certain circles, Holday explained on Twitter, “Humanity takes precedence over every conflict, and our hearts are with the Lebanese people in the wake of the terrible catastrophe that has befallen them.”

Giving real help to innocent people, men, women and children in distress is one thing, including when they come from a hostile country. It is another thing for Tel Aviv that its municipal construction cover the flag of that enemy country as a symbol of solidarity.

Messages matter. Israel’s message to Lebanon, as with all its enemies, is that it does not wish to be in a state of war, but it will not hesitate to fight to defend itself. Nor will it be shaken when it reaches out in times of humanitarian crisis.

Holday’s letter looks like an unrequited love letter to an entity that will not return the gesture. Shame on both of them.

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