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Bitcoin's $100,000 Price Quake Is Suddenly Expected to Shock Cryptocurrencies

Bitcoin's 0,000 Price Quake Is Suddenly Expected to Shock Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin's 0,000 Price Quake Is Suddenly Expected to Shock Cryptocurrencies


The price of Bitcoin has suddenly risen as it seems that the perfect storm will hit the price of Bitcoin and the cryptocurrency market imminently.

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The price of Bitcoin surpassed $65,000 after BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, got the green light to change the rules of the game in Bitcoin, and Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell issued a “radical” bombshell.

Now, as concerns mount about the future of the US dollar, traders are suddenly betting that the price of Bitcoin could rise to $100,000 in the wake of the US presidential election.

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Forbes: Forget the Fed, China May Be About to Quietly Blow Up Bitcoin Prices and the Cryptocurrency MarketBy Billy Bambrough

Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell helped drive the price of Bitcoin higher this year, after… [+] With interest rate cuts that Bitcoin traders bet on.

Getty Images

Interest in bitcoin options “has mostly been building around the round number of $100,000,” Jeffrey Kendrick, head of cryptocurrency research at Standard Chartered, wrote in email comments.

“It is noteworthy that the build process has come at a faster pace than can be explained solely by the fact that Bitcoin prices are higher. In fact, the jump in open interest at the $100,000 strike this week suggests that there is something else driving participants.”

The rise in Bitcoin prices comes after Kamala Harris, US Vice President and 2024 Democratic Party nominee, said that if she wins the White House in November, she will “promote innovative technologies like artificial intelligence and digital assets while protecting our consumers and investors,” according to Bloomberg. Report on the Wall Street fundraiser.

“More likely, from a timing perspective, are Vice President Harris' comments on Sunday where she said she would encourage cryptocurrency companies. These comments suggest that either outcome on November 5 will be positive for bitcoin,” Kendrick wrote, referring to bitcoin. The cryptocurrency market is “leading the pack in terms of performance for the first time in a while” after the historic interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve last week as evidence of growing positive sentiment.

Kendrick expected the price of Bitcoin to rise to $125,000 per bitcoin if former US President Donald Trump wins the elections, but it will rise to $75,000 if Harris wins. Trump has fully embraced Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies this year, promising to create a US strategic reserve of Bitcoin if Harris wins. He was elected and supported his own cryptocurrency project led by his sons Don Jr. and Eric.

“A Harris win will likely lead to an initial decline in prices, but we expect to buy the dips as the market recognizes that progress on the regulatory front remains imminent, and as other positive drivers emerge,” Kendrick wrote in an email note. Earlier this month.

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“Forbes Belt” – Dire Warning Issued Of $40K Bitcoin Price Collapse As Fed Suddenly Prepares For US Dollar “Crisis” Expected To Lead To “Total Collapse” By Billy Bambrough

The price of Bitcoin has skyrocketed this year, surpassing its peak in 2021 to reach a new high. [+] All-time high of over $70,000 per Bitcoin.

Forbes digital assets

Trump has fully embraced bitcoin and cryptocurrencies this year, promising to create a strategic bitcoin reserve in the United States if elected and supporting the cryptocurrency project led by his sons Don Jr. and Eric.

“A Harris win will likely lead to an initial decline in prices, but we expect to buy the dips as the market recognizes that progress on the regulatory front remains imminent, and as other positive drivers emerge,” Kendrick wrote in an email note. Earlier this month.

Harris' muted endorsement of crypto failed to galvanize much support from the crypto community, with Galaxy Research's Alex Thorn posting to

However, some welcomed the statement as a step forward. “Progress is progress, it has to start somewhere, and it has to be encouraged. The positive statement about technology is more than we get.” [the] “Biden and Trump presidency,” posted Hayden Adams, CEO of decentralized exchange Uniswap.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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