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The earthquake poetry in Boston was focusing off Maine

The earthquake poetry in Boston was focusing off Maine



Boston – A earthquake in Boston, Massachusetts on Monday, focuses on York Port, Maine, according to the United States's geological survey. The USGS map showed that the USGS map also showed in New Hampshire and Rod Island.

What time was the earthquake today?

The 3.8 earthquake at 10:22 am was initially reported at 4.1 and 3.9.

The 3.8 -size earthquake is centered off the York Port, Min. / Credit: CBS Boston

“This is similar to an earthquake once every five years,” John Ebel, a great scientist at the Weston Observatory at Boston College, told WBZ-TV.

The depth of the earthquake was more than eight miles underground, according to USGs. There was no Tsunami threat to New England, according to the American National Tsunami Warning Center.

“We are not sitting on any active cracks,” said Terry Elias, WBZ-TV. “But again for our region [it] Really important. “

There are no reports on the earthquake damage in Massachusetts

A few seconds can be shaken in the area, as well as in the WBZ-TV newsroom in Boston.

“My home shook hands well,” said David Wadi, a WBZ-TV broadcaster, who lives in the west of Boston. “What looked like five or 10 seconds is good.”

Anna Fletcher was working from her office in Milton when her house started vibrating.

“It is possible that this is from four to five seconds, and I stood up to check things, but by that time everything has ended and the dog began to bark,” Fletcher told WBZ-TV. “Your mind goes to anything but an earthquake when you live in New England.”

The Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency said it had received reports of the state, but there were no immediate reports of damage.

The agency said: “Remember, during the earthquake: dropping, covering and installing safety,” the agency said.

Will there be thin tremors in Boston?

“Certainly there will be high tremors that will be recorded in a seismic manner,” said Ebel.

“If the final tremors, as you know, become 2.8, 3.0, or 3.1, let's say that these will feel that people are likely to be in the North Shore area in Massachusetts as well as New Hamebeshire and the southern coastal of Maine,” he said.

Last year, an earthquake was felt 4.8 centers in New Jersey in parts of Massachusetts.

Seismograph at Weston Observatory at Boston College on Monday 27 January 2025 / Credit: CBS Boston

An earthquake who shakes Maine

Mini has been acquired by York Province and the fires of York County, to the initial response to the earthquake.

“We are not sure of what is going on. We receive calls from all over the city about an explosion,” one of the messengers can be heard.

Another person says: “We had a very great vibration here at the station too.”

York residents say it was a frightening experience.

“I was standing here, it was a” boom “, then immediately, at the same time, the whole house was shaking. I looked up and the lights swing,” said the whole house.

Jin Raymond said: “I was emptying, and suddenly, it looked like a truck, a plane engine, or something, I mean, and shook the house,” said Jin Raymond.

“There are two things that fell on my feet and literally thought about something, and this is what it seemed to be, it shook the building,” said Don Melburi.

Nancy Begit was working in the Off/Gyn office in Portland, Maine when the building started vibrating.

“We all looked at each other, for example, what is happening? After that when it was done, we said, I think this was an earthquake.” “One of the girls in another room had something to fall from the office, but there is no harm.”

Home damage after the earthquake

The Mine's Emergency Management Agency was asking the population not to call the number 911 unless there was an emergency. But they asked the residents to make sure to check any damage to their homes.

“This is the standard thing you should do after the earthquake. Check your home, make sure you are not cracked. Nicole said a dress.

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