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Timbers versus Earthquakes – Stumptown Footy


In the MLS is Back Tournament, San Jose Earthquakes won three matches, tied against Seattle, and were knocked out by Minnesota United. For the second time this season, Lons defeated San Jose by less than lure points. Quakes lost 5–2 to Minnesota in the regular season and 4–1 in the quarterfinals of the MLS Is Back Championship.

Minnesota has become a ghost team for San Jose coach Matias Almeida: he never won against them while coaching San Jose Earthquakes. MLS as a whole has struggled to find a steady way to disrupt San Jose, but Adrian Heath from Minnesota appears to have the secret. So it is interesting to study how his team implemented a game plan against the Mida Man Defense System.

San Jose usually chooses the same eleven start and makes use of all five alternatives. Quakes plays a unique, high-powered, compact man-to-man system. They are usually listed in a 4-3-3 formation, but the actual formation has little weight in terms of how to play.

The formation usually shows the players will be in any areas of the field and can give you an idea of ​​how to organize defensive lines. But with San Jose, it’s more complicated. Players are not responsible for defending certain areas on the field, they are responsible for the man they are watching. For example, if right-back Nick Lima was in charge of Sebastian Blanco, and Blanco fell deeply into midfield, Lima would lose space on the wing to track Blanco in the middle of the park.

This system allows them to constantly apply pressure to the ball. They try to turn the ball as quickly as possible with their strong counter pressure and move to the top as quickly as possible, taking advantage of the lack of cohesion of the team that has just lost the ball.

Jonathan Dyer – USA Sports Today

San Jose is also difficult to defend. Earthquakes are very offensive minded. The system they play ensures that goals are scored on one side or the other, but they have confidence that they will overtake you.

San Jose shares the burden of scoring goals across a variety of players. The usual suspects include Chris Wondolovsky, Christian Espinosa and Magnus Erickson, among others. But Erikson is no longer in San Jose. After the tournament, he was transferred back to his native Sweden. It will be interesting to see how Almeida tries to fill in the hole left by the Swede.

The midfield duo of Diego Chara and Eric Williamson will be integral to disrupting the rhythm of earthquakes. When a San Jose is building a tenure, it often tries to create a spare or outlet. By doing this, they create a numerical advantage and can then pass through the defense. Usually it’s Judson and Jackson Yuell who drop deep to create the feature.

Portland’s built-in defense will look to block passing lanes and reduce the effectiveness of these numerical advantages. But when pressed or after losing the ball, the defensive pressing ability of Williamson and Scharra could help limit Judson & Wheels’ effectiveness in particular.

Yoel dictates the San Jose rhythm. It is a pressure release valve and can also be lethal in possession by playing penetrating through balls and diverting the attack point. Portland’s double pivot will be full of Quakes’ style of play, but they have shown their ability to disrupt almost any midfield they come across.

It’s extremely difficult to maintain a man’s defense in tandem with high tempo throughout the 90 minutes. Portland will have chances, but it should be a lot more fragile in the final third than it has been against Seattle.

Troy Wayrynen-USA TODAY Sports

Lima and Tommy Thompson often join the midfield or offensive line from the winger’s position when Quakes is in possession of the ball. When they are high on the field, sometimes a central defender joins the midfield. If San Jose diverts the ball in the middle of the field, he can be one center back and goalkeeper to block dangerous counter-attacks.

Minnesota has done a really good job of staying out and winning one-on-one fights against San Jose. If Portland is able to stay out, earthquakes will be harder to defend. Staying at scale makes him spread the man-to-man thinning system across the entire field, leaving large spaces.

This is something Portlanders can exploit. Timbers have the individual quality of playing long balls in open spaces and winning one-on-one battle. If the Timbers can win these two versus those, it leaves a man without a mark without a cap because if another defender tries to cover him, the man of that defender leaves open. Winning one-on-one fights and brittle team play is the best and most effective way to smash San Jose and create dangerous goalscoring opportunities.

Overall, Portland will have to play a lot better than what they played against the Saunders. Timbers need to improve their intensity, the crispness and finish of their passes. Portland’s defensive hull has the ability to slow down San Jose, and they are equipped to take advantage of vulnerabilities in the Mida’s man-defense system.

If we ever see the Portland we saw in Orlando, the Timbers have the quality to capture the first three points after the bubble. But if they play as they did on Sunday, they could be at the wrong end of another lopsided score line.

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