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The earthquake commemorates 10 years of turmoil


The day struck 10 years ago at 4.35 am – the first two earthquakes that devastated the largest city on the South Island.

But life went on, as it was: and now a generation of children as familiar with the looting as with literature is reaching the end of their high school years.

Today at The Detail, Emile Donovan talks to two high school students in Christchurch about the hardships they face while growing up in a city that has had to recover with its fellow citizens.

Angad Frech from Christ College, Photo: Introduction

Yasmine Keating, a 12th year student at Linwood College, was asleep when the earthquake struck.

“I remember seeing my dad trying to walk into my brother’s room to try to wake him up, seeing his legs tremble … It was a bit terrifying at the time.”

She says people who have stayed in Christchurch over the past decade have been forced to develop a suit of psychological armor to deal with the mental stress in the city.

Angad Fritsch, a thirteenth-year student at Christ College, says the shock of earthquakes can manifest in strange ways.

“ What is normal for us is that there are these roads up and down, there are no buildings, and everything is smashing around you like the disappearance of a cathedral and we have recently started restoring the CBD.

“It kind of really unfolded to some extent, in fact, a couple of months ago I was in Wellington and I saw buildings around, that weren’t wrecked … It was like, ‘Oh my God, this is such a wonderful city’ … step back and say ‘Am I just like that Is everything broken?

Another example is the mentality of not standing under a building … just in case.

But both students emphasized the importance of society in what could often be an individual world.

Yasmine says that the Kappa Hakka group and its belief were important in creating an outlet for creativity and solidarity.

“Somehow he brought us closer to each other, which is what I’m really grateful for.”

Angad says the earthquakes highlight the importance of talking to your colleagues for dealing with complex emotions in an already mercurial period of your life.

“There is a lot of talk about Canterbury having these coping mechanisms … I think there has been a lot of transparency and deep talk between us as individuals about how it all works.”

Yasmine Keating, who is Ngai Tahoe and Ngati Kahunguno, plans to study Maori at the University of Otago next year. She wants to be a teacher.

Angad Fritsch plans to go to the University of Otago next year to study health sciences. He also hosts a podcast with classmate Ethan Manera – it’s called The College Project and is available on Spotify and Apple.


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