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The UN welcomes nearly a billion dollars in recent promises


New commitments from governments, international organizations and the private sector support a unified approach to stopping the pandemic, supporting an unprecedented response, scope and speed – through access to the COVID-19 Tool Accelerator – as the pandemic takes more than a million lives

A brief overview of recent commitments:

  • United Kingdom – £ 571 million ($ 732 million) for COVAX column from Accelerator access COVID-19- (ACT), of which up to £ 500 million (US $ 641 million) support low- and middle-income countries. This includes a commitment to match £ 1 for every $ 4 committed by others up to £ 250 million ($ 321 million).
  • Canada – CAD 440 million (USD 332 million) for the COVAX ACT accelerator column, of which CAD 220 (USD 166 million) to support low and middle income countries
  • Germany – EUR 100 million (US $ 117 million) for the COVAX ACT accelerator pole, all to support low- and middle-income countries
  • Sweden – $ 10 million for the COVAX ACT accelerator pole, all to support low- and middle-income countries
  • World Bank – $ 12 billion to support developing countries to purchase COVID-19 vaccines as soon as they become available (to be ratified by their shareholders)
  • Coalition of 16 pharmaceutical companies and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation signed an agreement on cooperation in vaccine production and increasing production

The United Nations and its partners today welcomed the monumental solidarity demonstrated as governments, the private sector, civil society and international organizations supported the COVID-19 Tools- (ACT) Accelerator accession initiative launched by the World Health Organization together with international partners.

Today, nearly $ 1 billion of new funding has been dedicated to this initiative – the most comprehensive multilateral comprehensive solution to the devastating COVID-19 pandemic in the world.

The ACT accelerator, launched just five months ago by the World Health Organization, the European Commission, France and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, needs an additional $ 35 billion to achieve its goals of producing 2 billion doses of vaccine, 245 million treatments and 500 million tests. . New commitments to the initiative are welcome and will be used to catalyze further funding to continue the innovative work of the ACT-Accelerator.

Most urgently, the ACT accelerator needs $ 15 billion to support current capacity building – for research and development, production, procurement and delivery systems – by the end of the year.

By convening a high-level event at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly to urgently mobilize support for the ACT accelerator, Secretary General António Guterres praised about “an extraordinary international effort to resolve the human crisis like no other in our lives,” adding that additional efforts must be made to further “deepen” the remarkable progress made so far.

“It is in the national and economic interest of each country to work together to massively expand access to testing and treatment and to support the vaccine as a global public good – a ‘national vaccine’ accessible and accessible to all, everywhere.”

“The ACT accelerator – including its COVAX facility – is the vehicle that will take us there. Investing in the ACT accelerator will accelerate the recovery of any country, “said Mr Guterres, who hosted the event with UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab, South African Health Minister Zweli Mkhize and the Director-General of the World Health Organization. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Unprecedented global cooperation

Launched just five months ago, ACT-Accelerator is an unprecedented global collaboration of the world’s leading international health organizations working together to accelerate the development, production and fair delivery of COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines.

“We have a duty to ensure that vaccines, treatments and tests for COVID-19 are available to all – stopping the global spread of the pandemic protects the British and will bring humanity on the road to recovery. Cooperation through the ACT accelerator is crucial to promote development, production and access to all countries, “he said. British Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab.

The United Kingdom recently set aside £ 571 million (approximately $ 732 million) for COVAX. This includes up to £ 500 million for Gavi’s Advanced Market Commitment for COVID-19 Vaccines (COVAX AMC) – a funding instrument that encourages vaccine manufacturers to produce enough vaccines against COVID-19 to ensure access to developing countries.

Today, the UK Foreign Secretary asked for additional support, promising that this £ 500m commitment would include £ 1 (IS $ 1.29) in appropriate funding for every $ 4 that others have committed up to £ 250m (approximately £ 321). million USD).

Germany, Canada and Sweden also committed to COVAX AMC in the amount of EUR 100 million, USD 220 million and USD 10 million. They qualify for today’s UK obligations.

“Science gives us solutions in the form of new tests, therapy and – hopefully – vaccines. But science and solutions will be ineffective without solidarity, ” He said Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General.

“I am grateful for the generous financial commitments we have made today, but we still have a significant funding shortfall to address it. Full funding for the ACT accelerator will help control the pandemic, restore confidence and boost global recovery. Honestly, this is not a financial challenge, it is a test of solidarity. This is the moment to say no to nationalism and to our common humanity. Because ultimately, the ACT Accelerator doesn’t just deliver vaccines, diagnostics, and therapy. It brings something far more important – hope. “

“We have to face this health crisis as a global challenge, together in solidarity and mutual cooperation, working on a global solution. We need to generate the key tests, treatments and vaccines we all need and make sure they are distributed equally to the people who need them most, no matter where they live and whether their country is rich or not, ”he said. South African Minister of Health Zweli Mkhize, adding that large sections of the population, especially in developing countries, remain “vulnerable and marginalized during this pandemic”.

Today’s event highlighted the significant results achieved by the Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator initiative since launch: the availability of 120 million affordable and high-quality rapid tests for low- and middle-income countries; breakthrough in experiments with Dexamethasone and its rapid introduction – the only drug that has been found to significantly affect patient mortality; creation of the COVAX Facility – a global mechanism to ensure equal access to possible vaccines against COVID-19 regardless of income, and consists of 168 farms and the largest and most diverse vaccine portfolio in the world, with nine vaccines under evaluation, eight in Clinical Trials.

In another significant show of support, a coalition of 16 pharmaceutical companies and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation signed an agreement to work together to produce vaccines and increase production at an unprecedented rate, ensuring approved vaccines are more widely available and distributed as early as possible.

Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation said, “One thing I’ve learned from studying the history of pandemics is that they create surprising dynamics when it comes to self-interest and altruism. Pandemics are rare cases where a country’s instinct to help is closely aligned with its instinct to help others. Selfish and altruistic the thing – ensuring poor nations have access to vaccines – are one and the same. “

“Numerous countries, and most recently the United Kingdom and Canada, are good models of what other rich countries should do. They donated enough money to COVAX, the ACT-accelerator vaccine column, to procure, probably, hundreds of millions of doses of vaccine for poor countries. But more will be needed and I hope rich nations will continue to be generous. ”

The World Bank announced plans this week for a significant financial commitment to support developing countries in purchasing COVID-19 as soon as they become available.

World Bank President David Malpass he said that once the plans are ratified by stakeholders, “the availability of funding of up to $ 12 billion will change the game, because once a safe and effective vaccine is available, it will allow people to move on with their lives for sure.”

Investing in global recovery

The ACT-Accelerator investment case illustrates the significant economic benefits of collectively accelerating the development and introduction of tools to rapidly reduce the global risk of severe COVID-19 disease. Prior to UNGA 2020, the ACT accelerator raised $ 3 billion out of a $ 38 billion need. You can find more details in the case of the Act-Accelerator investment.

The economic justification for investing in an approach that can accelerate the end of the COVID-19 crisis remains clear. Full funding of the initiative to shorten the duration of the crisis would return this investment in less than 36 hours after only global mobility and trade are restored.

Notes to editors

Access to COVID-19 Tools ACT-Accelerator is a proven, global collaboration that accelerates the development, production and equitable access to COVID-19 tests, treatments and vaccines. It was established in response to a call from G20 leaders in March and was launched by the WHO, the European Commission, France and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation in April 2020.

The ACT-Accelerator is not a decision-making body nor is it a new organization, but works to accelerate the joint efforts of existing organizations to stop a pandemic. It is a collaborative framework designed to bring key players together at the table with a view to ending the pandemic as quickly as possible through accelerated development, equitable distribution and expanded delivery of tests, treatment and vaccines, protecting system health and rebuilding societies and economies in the short term.

It draws on the experience of the world’s leading health organizations, which deal with the most difficult health challenges in the world and which, by working together, can unlock new and more ambitious results against COVID-19. Its members are committed to providing all people with access to all the tools needed to win against COVID-19 and working with unprecedented levels of partnership to achieve it.

The ACT-Accelerator consists of four pillars: diagnostics, therapy, vaccines, and health system strengthening.

The diagnostic pillar, which he convened together Global fund and FIND, aims to perform 2-3 high-quality rapid tests, train 10,000 health workers in 50 countries and establish testing for 500 million people in low- and middle-income countries by mid-2021.

Therapeutic pillar leads Unitaid and The Welcome trust. Therapists can play a role in all stages of COVID-19 disease: to prevent infection; suppress symptoms and spread the infection to others; treat or prevent symptoms; as a life-saving treatment for severe symptoms; and as a treatment that can speed recovery. The goal is to develop, manufacture and distribute 245 million treatments over the next 12 months, helping COVID-19 sufferers recover from the disease.

The vaccine pole, which he convened Luk, Gavi and WHO, accelerates the search for an effective vaccine for all countries. At the same time, it supports building production capacity and buys supplies ahead of time so that 2 billion doses can be fairly distributed by the end of 2021.

Health system connector pole led by s World Bank and Global fund, works to ensure that these tools can reach the people who need them.

Cross-cutting all of these is a workflow of access and assignment, hosted by it World Health Organization.

For more information visit:

WHO ACT-Accelerator website:

Status report and plan:

Economic investment case:

UN Response Portal COVID-19:

An archived video of the event is available at Web TV

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