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First look at the reconstructed Christ Church Cathedral

First look at the reconstructed Christ Church Cathedral


After nearly a decade since it was devastated by the earthquake of February 22, 2011, a vision of what a restored Church of Christ Cathedral could look like has finally been fulfilled.

The design concept and overall vision of the cathedral was launched today, providing the public with the first glimpse of what a future earthquake-struck building might look like once restored.

The design details the rebuilding plan for the Anglican Cathedral and its supporting buildings, which will form the “Cathedral Quarter”.

However, this vision has a price.

The original cost of the project was estimated at $ 104 million, but the total cost is now expected to be $ 154 million.

Peter Guthrie, head of the Christ Church Trust to Restore the Catholic Church, said another $ 51 million was needed to raise the donation.

“The fundraising goal is ambitious but achievable, and we are confident that a large group of people here in New Zealand and from all over the world will support. The good news is that more than $ 100 million has already been raised, we have already traveled two-thirds of the way towards our goal.” .

The installation work for the building is currently underway and the entire project is expected to be completed by early 2028.

By design, the basic footprint of the cathedral was kept for cost and heritage reasons but demolition of some parts of the building was deemed necessary.

The visitor center will have to be demolished as it has been flooded with polluted water since the earthquakes, leaving a damaged basement not suitable for this purpose.

To the north of the cathedral, as a separate building, will house the new cathedral visitor center. On the ground floor is a café, with graded steps leading to a low landscaped courtyard with museum and retail spaces. To the south of the cathedral

Once again in a separate building from the cathedral, it will be the ‘Cathedral Center’ providing gathering spaces, offices and amenities.

All vestiges adjacent to the cathedral would also have to be demolished to allow access to the damaged apse at the eastern end, one of the oldest parts of the cathedral.

The new jackets will provide a space for choirs to rehearse and vergers and servers to congregate before services among other things.

The cathedral tower will be rebuilt in its original location and will look very similar on the outside. The base will be isolated to achieve the three required seismic criteria. It would have a working bell tower, and stairs and elevators would provide access to the bell tower, viewing platform and lower courtyard to the north.

The cathedral will also be adapted internally to allow more flexibility around seat configuration.

Other changes include modern floor heating being installed and enhancements to the organ.

The cathedral is expected to attract thousands of tourists to the city center before the earthquakes, which attract about 700,000 visitors annually.

The next stage of the project is reinforcement and repetition. Funding for this should be in place by late 2021. The next stages of fundraising will be mid-2022 for the outbuildings and mid-2023 for the tower.

The next step in the design process is the improved design of the cathedral and tower. This will be completed early next year and will follow the detailed design process.

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