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In general you do not need to worry about the Wichita earthquakes


Wichita, Kansas (KWCH) – A 3.9-magnitude earthquake in eastern Wichita early Wednesday morning generated enough force to wake people across the city. The United States Geological Survey, which differed slightly from the Kansas Geological Survey in recording the magnitude 3.8 earthquake, has a map showing that people as far away as Oklahoma City and Omaha reported that they felt the Wichita earthquake.

Fred Minty, who lives near the epicenter, said, “It’s not Henny Benny, the sky is falling now, but yeah, it catches your attention.”

The Kansas Geological Survey said Wednesday morning’s excitement marks the 20th earthquake in Wichita since Thanksgiving.

“Suddenly, there was a bang, and it didn’t last long.” Two seconds after we learned that things were falling off the shelf over the bed and landing around our head, Minty said. Then we started to find things lying around our pillows. Photo frames, decorative panels and figurines. One of them had his legs cut by that time. “

The recent earthquake also caused some viewers to arrive to ask what this means for their homes. Eyewitness News took the question to two home inspectors. Overall, they both say that for most homeowners there is nothing to worry about when it comes to recent local earthquakes.

“Not as big as they are now. You will usually notice that earthquakes with more force do more damage than we have here,” said Brad Hoffman, the home inspector at Hoffman Home Inspections.

“More earthquakes we’re still experiencing, of course, can cause problems.” Larry Cox, owner of the Land Inspection / Certified Principal Inspector in Kansas, said the frequency of earthquakes, especially if they start to increase.

Where relatively small earthquakes can create a problem by exacerbating an existing problem.

“Normally, a lot of times when we see a structure with basements in this area, it’s about water damage. All this external pressure caused by the water settling along the foundation can cause a crack to occur, and anything that causes the foundation to move or shift can It definitely exacerbates those existing problems, “Hoffman said.

Inspectors said there are some places in your home that are worth checking out after an earthquake.

“One of them is utilities and appliances. You’ll want to look around the oven, water heater, and gas stoves, and check for any gas odor that might be coming from the loose connections,” Cox said.

It’s also worth checking the plumbing in your home.

The big one is the foundation of the house.

Cox said, “Look for any new cracks forming in foundation walls. Typical cracks are common in old homes. So anything that is a hairline crack or about 1/8 inch in width or smaller is not usually a concern. If you see Something 1/2 inch wide or wider, this will definitely tell you, you need to get someone to go in.

Cox said it’s also worth looking at crawl spaces and along the foundation to see if there’s any shifting.

Other areas to watch are the roofline for the dips and the chimney.

“If you have a fireplace, you really want to get out of the house and make sure the chimney isn’t pulled out of the house,” Cox said. “Look at the fireplace brick and make sure there is nothing loose or cracked in there. You can open the damper on the inside and see if you have anything falling off.”

Inside, around doors and windows is also important.

“They have what’s called angle cracks, and these are cracks of the kind that go from corners or over and around windows. These are the places you’ll see these cracks a lot of times,” Hoffman said.

“A sign that there may be some damage to the frame, and you want to look around the windows and doors and see if there are any cracks in the corners of these.” Make sure the doors and windows all open smoothly and work properly for you, Cox said.

However, the inspectors said it was important to document any damage it saw

Cox said, “If you notice some serious damage, you want to document it, take some photos and look at it fixed. So it could be a structural engineer or just a general contractor. It could also be something you want to contact your home insurance company about.”

If you are concerned about anything related to your home and the potential damages, you should get an examination to determine your next steps.

“Find anything new that has opened up or anything structurally that might be of concern, in crawl spaces or basements, foundation walls,” Hoffman said. “We always recommend that any repairs be done by a foundation repair company. This is always the best way to make repairs, but we can definitely go out and have a look and see if this is a must.”

Hoffman Home Inspections currently offers earthquake damage inspections for $ 75.

Most earthquakes in Wichita leave no more behind than the desire to end them.

Minty said, “This year has been kind of crazy. I hope they stop at the end of 2020.”

Copyright 2020 KWCH. All rights reserved.


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