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Schiffrin finished fourth and just missed the 100th World Cup podium in Zagreb’s night slalom. Vlhova regain the crown


On a foggy night in Zagreb on Sunday, days after an earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale hit central Croatia, Michaela Schiffrin took first place in the World Cup slalom after two rounds with three contestants remaining. They continued to finish fourth, 0.27 seconds behind Petra Fleuva.

Vlhova, who won the race in Zagreb last year, continues her tortuous streak and is crowned the Snow Queen after the race – the trophy that is presented annually at this World Cup event. Swiss figure skater Michel Gissen took second, Austrian Katharina Linsberger took third.

Schiffrin, considered by many to be one of the greatest slalom skaters of all time, continues her search for the 100th podium in her football career and for having third place in the list of wins in the World Cup finals of all time, currently tied with 67 wins with Marcel. Herscher and his successors only Ingmar Steinmark (86) and Lindsay Vaughn (82).

The US skating team saw six Americans compete in Sunday’s slalom in Zagreb with Chevrin and Nina O’Brien (24th), Paula Moltzan (27th) and Katie Hensen (33rd) in the second round. For Hansien, her points are her first on the World Cup circuit. American veteran Racey Stigler didn’t do her part, but after landing on the historic track for the tenth time in her career, she crossed the end and accepted the ground to show her love for Zagreb.

For the US women’s skating team, it was the first time since December 2007 that four team members qualified for the second round of slalom, a promising sign for the growing team led by Chevrin.

After the first round on Sunday, Schiffrin was seated in fourth, 0.04 seconds ahead of Flova. The most successful World Cup-winning skater of all time, Schiffrin continues her success in discipline but is still pursuing her first victory in nearly a year amid intense competition. Vlhova, with 11 World Cup wins in Slalom and two in Zagreb, remains top of the slalom season standings, as well as overall. Chevrin is also eyeing Jezzine in the slaloming ranking, which has climbed to a podium in every discipline this season except for giant slalom (she took fourth place in the field), and Lesenberger.

Defending champion Federica Brignoni has not sprinted to focus on upcoming speed events.

Skiers took a soft-surfaced track thanks to heavy rain outside the Croatian capital. The cycle workers added salt to strengthen the upper class – but they also created rugged conditions. The great Croatian Ivica Kostelic lost his balance while turning on the camera before the race and fell. Vlhova, the last contestant to go in the second round, had some mistakes on the slumping track.

“While running, I thought, ‘Well, the race is over. After the race, she said, “But I found something inside, I pushed more and more to the end.

Race organizers said they will donate 10% of the prize money to a relief fund for people affected by the recent earthquake in Croatia. The Croatian Ski Federation agreed to donate, bringing the total to $ 60,000.

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