Earthquake information: Mag. 4.6 – Yellow Sea earthquake, 213 km southeast of Yato, Shandong, China, Tuesday, Jan 19, 2021 2:21 am (GMT +8)
Jan 18 18:40 UTC: First to report: GFZ 19 minutes later. 18 January 18:47: The depth of the Hypocenter has been recalculated from 10.0 to 11.0 km (6.2 to 6.8 miles). Corrected epicenter location of 5.9 km (3.6 mi) northwest toward January 18 20:54: magnitude recalculated from 4.5 to 4.6.
Information: The more agencies reporting the same earthquake and publishing similar data, the greater the confidence in the data. It usually takes up to a few hours for earthquake parameters to be calculated with near-perfect accuracy.
Contribution: Leave a comment if you find a specific report interesting or want to add to it. Teaching as something not decent. Mark useful or interesting. Submit your user report!
Cheongju, South Korea (319.7 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Strong vibration (MMI VI) / Complex rolling (tilting in multiple directions) / 5-10 seconds: I suddenly woke up because of the complex rolling hut. I cannot sleep again due to the feeling that the shaking is continuing. | 2 users found this interesting.
Gungnam, Susan / Weak Vibration (MMI III) / Horizontal Swing (Side): It was 03:23 am, I felt a little shaky. There is no single message for this disaster. It is very strange. | 2 users found this interesting.
Jeollabuk-do (252.7 km east of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / 5-10 seconds: I’m asleep and my sleep suddenly shake about 6 seconds | 2 users found this interesting.
Yeosu, Chulanamdo, Korea. (348.5 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Single side vibration / 1-2 seconds: at 3:23 AM (KST, GMT + 9) I felt my house vibrate a little while using my phone. | 2 users found this interesting.
Guiyang (322.4 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / 5-10 seconds: I felt a little nauseous when I was lying down. And I heard a loud noise. | One user found this interesting.
Nowon, Seoul, South Korea (324.2 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Mild vibration (MMI IV): I felt the vibration inside. | One user found this interesting.
Chungnam, South Korea / Light shaking (MMI IV): I’m in Chumgnam in South Korea and woke up around 3 am from my bed shivering! It was crazy.
SEOUL / VERY WEAK SHOCK (MMI II): I was lying on the bed half asleep. The bed started a slight lateral shaking and I discovered that the building itself is under a small but detectable effect. At that moment, my plane, a cockatiel, began to fly everywhere in the apartment, little screams. I am on the top floor of a 5 storey building.
Seoul (319 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV) / Single side vibration / 1-2 seconds
Gunsan (229 km east of the epicenter) [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / 2-5 sec
Goyang, South Korea (318.5 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Imperceptible / single vertical bump: imperceptible
317 km northeast or epicenter [Map] Very weak vibration (MMI II)
Seoul (313.2 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III)
234.9 km ENE or epicenter [Map] / Don’t feel (reported by our app)
332.9 km northeast of the epicenter [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV)
Seoul, Korea (311.6 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV)
Gimpo (307.5 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak vibration (MMI III) / Horizontal swing (Side) / 2-5 sec
Gunsun-dong (309.7 km from the epicenter) [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV) / 2-5 sec
308.9 km northeast of the epicenter [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / single head projection / 2-5 sec
Seo-gu, Gwangju (261.3 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] Very weak vibration (MMI II)
323.3 km northeast of the epicenter [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV)
335 km northeast of the epicenter [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III)
Siheung (303.2 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Weak vibration (MMI III) / rumble, shake / 2-5 seconds
Anyang (310.4 km northeast of the epicenter) [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV)
327 km northeast of the epicenter [Map] Very weak vibration (MMI II)
299.3 km east of the epicenter [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV)
Gwangju (263.4 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] / Weak vibration (MMI III) / Single head projection / 5-10 sec
368.9 km east from the epicenter [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III)
Gwangju (273.3 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] Very weak vibration (MMI II)
Gwangju (258.2 km ESE from the epicenter) [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 2-5 sec
340.8 km northeast of the epicenter [Map] Mild vibration (MMI V) / Single side vibration / 5-10 sec
249.4 km east of the epicenter [Map] / Weak shaking (MMI III) / 2-5 sec
328.1 km east of the epicenter [Map] / Soft vibration (MMI IV)
259.5 km ESE from the epicenter [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / horizontal swing (side) / 1-2 sec
212.7 km ESE from the epicenter [Map] / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / rumble, shake / 2-5 sec
258.3 km ESE from the epicenter [Map] Very weak vibration (MMI II)
Haenam, South Korea (Republic of Korea) / Moderate vibration (MMI V) / Rattling, shaking / 5-10 seconds
Daegu / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / Rattle, vibration / Very short
Seoul / No hair
Young in South Korea / MMI II / 2-5 seconds
Guiyang / Light shaking (MMI IV) / 2-5 sec
Gimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do / Very weak vibration (MMI II)
Seoul / very weak vibration (MMI II) / very short
Mokpo / Soft Vibration (MMI IV) / Horizontal Swing (Side) / 5-10 sec
Incheon Korea / Very weak vibration (MMI II)
Seoul / Moderate Vibration (MMI V) / Horizontal Swing (Side)
ëŒ€ì „ / Weak vibration (MMI III) / Horizontal swing (Side) / 1-2 sec
Gwangu / Weak shaking (MMI III)
South Korea, Jeonju / MMI II / Single Side Vibration / 1-2 seconds
CheongJu / No hair
Seoul, Korea / Weak Vibration (MMI III) / Horizontal Swing (Side) / 5-10 sec
Daejeon / Light Vibration (MMI IV) / Single Header Bump / 2-5 sec
Low / weak vibration (MMI III)
Hand / Weak Vibration (MMI III) / Horizontal (Side) Swing / 2-5 sec
Seoul / Light shake (MMI IV)
South Korea, Suwon / Weak vibration (MMI III) / clank, shake / 5-10 sec
Suwon / Very Low Vibration (MMI II)
Seoul / Light shake (MMI IV)
Gunsan / Very Weak Vibration (MMI II) / 1-2 sec
Torrent / Light Vibration (MMI IV) / Horizontal (Side) Swing / 5-10 sec
Incheon / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / Vertical swing (up and down) / 5-10 seconds
Suwon / Soft Vibration (MMI IV) / 5-10 sec
Mokpo / Light Vibration (MMI IV) / Horizontal Swing (Side) / 2-5 seconds
Torrent / moderate vibration (MMI V) / rattling, shaking / 2-5 seconds
Teeth / Mimic (MMI IV) / Horizontal (Side) Swing / 2-5 sec
Incheon / Mild vibration (MMI IV) / Single side vibration / 5-10 sec
Seoul / Very weak vibration (MMI II) / 1-2 sec
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Previous earthquakes in the same area since 1900 Mag. 4.6 – Yellow Sea earthquake, 213 km southeast of Yato, Shandong, China, Tuesday, Jan 19, 2021 2:21 am (GMT +8) map of previous earthquakes
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