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10 more useful moves in dual fights

10 more useful moves in dual fights


The Pokemon franchise introduced a game-changing feature in its third generation: dual fights. Two-on-two Pokemon fights were a groundbreaking way of stacking Pokemon against each other. Not only did it present the mode on its own, but the third generation also introduced moves specifically designed for use in dual combat.

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With each generation that passes, the game series is added to this list of moves that do better in dual fights, especially since dual battle formats such as Video Game Championships (VGC) have taken the form of the game’s official rivalry. However, it’s a good idea to note moves that work almost exclusively in this type of format. Some of them are not viable or even completely useless in one-on-one fights.

10 horse high

In the field of solo competition, the high horsepower was completely overshadowed by the earthquake. The former is essentially an inferior version of the latter, with 5 lower primary strength and 5 lower resolution, with no secondary effect to show.

In meta doubles, it’s a different story. Earthquake is a spread action that hits your other Pokemon, unless they are immune to it. Unless you’re willing to go out of your way to pair an earthquake user with a bird type, high horse power (roughly) delivers earthquake strength without causing collateral damage to an ally.

9 icy wind

Icy Wind is basically the opposite of high horse power in terms of why it is most useful in double-action fights.

Icy winds are a propagation movement, like an earthquake, but they only attack opponents. While its strength is average at 55 bases, it has a secondary effect that is mainly guaranteed to lower the target velocity stats with a stage. This is very useful in dual fights, as it gives the Pokemon next to you a chance to act first. However, it is not useful in a single fight where you want more clear and powerful movement.

8 after you

After You is a very exciting move, but its effects are completely useless in a single battle where you face only one opponent.

This step causes the target to execute their movement directly after the user, regardless of priority. While this can be useful in a double battle to get a Pokemon that is either slow or uses a low priority move to act quickly, using it in a single fight is basically just giving up a role.

7 Matt Block

Mat Block used to be Greninja’s signature move, and it’s kind of like a Fake Out-esque protection move. It protects the user’s side of the field from any offensive cornering, but it only works in the first turn the user takes out. It’s a bit of a weird move, as it has a normal priority unlike other protective moves like Protect at +4 or Wide Guard at +3.

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While it can be advantageous from a circumstantial point of view in a double fight as a way to protect an ally, it is of no use in a single fight. Go for protection, or some variant of it like Spiky Shield or King’s Shield if available.

6 Sharing skills

Skill Swap has a very interesting effect of switching user ability with target ability.

While there is definitely some strategic gymnastics to do if you use it in a double fight, it can be great to convey your Pokemon’s handicapping ability or take on the best one to maximize its potential. They are not reliable in singles, as you should be hoping for a Pokemon with the correct ability to take on after using this move.

5 Healing Pulse

One of the most interesting moves to be introduced in the fifth generation was Heal Pulse. It simply heals the target with 50% of its HP.

This is a step that has been taken and is expected to be carried out with an ally in mind. It would be detrimental to use this in a single fight, because the only possible target to heal is the opponent. Heal Pulse only benefits the user if he is treating an ally, and this is not possible in one-on-one fights.

4 wide guard, cunning shield, and a fast guard

These three movements fall into a similar class of protective movements. All of these movements completely protect the user’s side from a certain type of movement. The Wide Guard prevents large-scale attack movements (such as earthquake, surfing), penetrating shield blocks case movements, and the Quick Guard blocks priority movements.

Similar to Mat Block, both of these moves have a type of use in a double battle, but they’re not as useful as Protect (or the variant thereof) in a single fight. However, they have a lot more use than Mat Block as they can be used multiple times. Crafty Shield also has the advantage of not suffering the possibility of Protect failing after successive use.

3 Follow me

Follow Me directs all moves towards this user, which means that he takes any attack or state movement used during the turn. Although it is not useful in solo fights, it is used regularly in double fights.

While it can technically be used in a single fight, it is practically useless because the step that comes after it will always target the user anyway. However, it became one of the most important moves in the general doubles game thanks to its ability to direct dangerous moves away from the ally.

2 ally switch

Ally Switch was introduced in Generation V, just in time, before VGC really took off as the main competitive format for Pokemon. It’s become a staple out there and in other doubles games, thanks to its ability to keep Pokemon out of moves it’s weak on.

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This move switches the Pokemon with its target ally, causing them to take whatever move it was meant to come to that side of the field. While it can be incredibly useful in a double fight, it is completely unhelpful in a single fight.

1 helping hand

The helping hand is another literally useless movement in one battle. If it tries to use it in one fight, it will fail, as it needs an ally to function. However, when you actually have an ally to use it, it can come in very handy.

This move boosts the ally’s offensive power by 50% for this detour, which is huge if used on a Pokemon with high attack power either from its own stats, stat boosts, or base strength of the action. It’s the step with the highest priority, so it’s guaranteed to work. This is another step that has been a staple of competitive formats like VGC, where additional reinforcements can really help bring teams to the edge of an abyss.

Next: 10 Pokemon that have fallen out of competitiveness

Next Assassin’s Creed: 10 Quotes From The Games You Live In

About the author Kyle Laurel (50 articles published)

Kyle Laurel is a university student from the Philippines. He spent about three years as a freelance writer before becoming a list writer on The Gamer. He grew up around Pokemon and writes about it the most. You can battle it out on Pokémon Showdown (juantum physics, Gen 8 OU), but it’ll lick you off with Garchomp.

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