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South Korea International tourism boom | Focus


South Korea International tourism boom
Gyeongbokgung Palace

South Korea is a unique destination that has grown in popularity in recent years.

The increased interest in South Korean culture since the late 1990s, a phenomenon known as the Korean wave, has sparked a surge in tourism. The attractiveness of South Korea may have been initially limited to other Asian countries, but it quickly made itself felt globally: in 2018, more than 15 million international travelers arrived in the country, up 15% from the previous year.

With its juxtaposition of the ancient and the ultra-modern, tourists can piece together a varied itinerary including everything from historic temples to the ultimate 21st century shopping experience.

The changes to the visa policy for South Korea mean that travelers from countries currently exempt from visas will now have to apply for special authorization before departure. Tourists from countries such as the United States and members of the European Union have so far been able to stay in South Korea for up to 90 days without a visa or other permit, but that is expected to change from 2021.

The big news for tourists is that the soon to be launched electronic travel authorization can be obtained easily online. There is no need to worry about lengthy petitions and interviews, as the South Korean ETA application form should will only take a few minutes to complete.

The first important decision for travelers is the time of year to visit South Korea. Spring, from April to June, is the high season. With pleasant temperatures and light rainy conditions are optimal for exploring cities and countryside. In addition, head to South Korea in the spring to witness the famous cherry blossom that paints parks and gardens in pink.

For a completely different experience, South Korea in December and March offers white snow and freezing temperatures perfect for winter activities such as ice skating, skiing and heated spas.

Whatever the time of year, tourists can choose from a wide range of attractions. No trip to the country would be complete without visiting Seoul, the impressive capital of South Korea. Namsan Seoul Tower is the most emblematic modern structure in the city, tickets can be purchased in advance.

To discover the historic side of the city, travelers must walk along a stretch of the city's ancient wall and visit one of the 15th-century royal palaces, such as Gyeongbokgung Palace . The village of Bukchon Hanok, with its traditional houses and narrow streets, gives visitors a glimpse of life in Seoul about 600 years ago.

Beach goers can head to the shores of South Korea's second largest city, Busan. Locals and tourists flock to Busans 6 beaches during the summer months, Haeundae Beach is one of the most popular and famous. Culture, cuisine and nightlife have also put the city on the map.

Another highlight is the lively South Korean food scene. Korean barbecue may be what most people think, but there are many other options for all types of diets. Bibimbap and Pajeon can be found in restaurants and food stalls across the country, many restaurants in Seoul are open 24 hours a day.

Expect meals to be accompanied by kimchi, many western travelers are now familiar with this fermented vegetable dish that recently made its way to non-Asian countries.

Getting around Korea is fast and efficient thanks to the country's excellent rail services. The famous KTX high-speed trains offer modern comfort and short journey times, the train journey from Seoul to Busan takes only 3 hours. Buses are cheap and rarely crowded outside the main cities while taxis are also affordable and reliable.

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