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Rishi Sunak Confirms Abolition Of Stamp Tax | News from the United Kingdom



The Chancellor confirmed in her budget that the government will remove the controversial tampon tax and abolish VAT on all women's sanitary products starting in 2021.

Tampons and other sanitary products for women currently benefit from 5% VAT, but this will be removed when the transition period for Britain's departure from the EU ends on December 31 .

The move marks a victory in a 20-year campaign by women's groups against 50-year-old VAT rules that once classified tampons as non-essential luxury items.

The government estimates that the tax cut will lead to typical savings of 7p on a pack of 20 pads and 5p on a pack of 12 towels, which could save the average woman about 40 over her lifetime.

Rishi Sunak said: from January next year, there will be no more VAT on women's sanitary products. I congratulate all the members and honorable members who campaigned for this.

Labor MP Dawn Primarolo launched a successful campaign 20 years ago to reduce VAT on stamps from 17.5% to 5%, but governments have since declared that EU rules prohibit further lower the rate.

The Treasury pledged to abolish the stamp tax in 2016 following the Stop tax periods campaign launched by student Laura Coryton, but the promise fell by the wayside after the government did not change EU law.

Coryton said: The end of this tax symbolizes the end of a symptom of sexism and the taboo of the period, which created era poverty and prevented girls from going to school. 39; school.

Activists urged retailers and manufacturers to pass on the reductions.

It is good to see the stamp tax finally eliminated, thanks to the work of anti-poverty activists, said Sam Smethers, executive director of the Fawcett Society. Now manufacturers have to pass the savings on to the women and girls who depend on these products.

Tesco made a preventive decision in 2017, reducing the price of women's sanitary products by 5%.

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