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Derby shop owner avoids jail after selling illegal tobacco

Derby shop owner avoids jail after selling illegal tobacco


Published: January 16, 2023

Illegal smoking on the shop floor

Illegal tobacco has been found in shops across Derby

An Alvaston shop owner has narrowly avoided being jailed after pleading guilty to selling illegal and counterfeit tobacco products from a pub in London Road.

In a court hearing on 21 December 2022, Ibrahim Mohammed Muhedin was sentenced to six months in prison, suspended for 18 months. In addition, he was handed 200 hours of unpaid work, £3,750 in costs, a £128 victim surcharge and 10 days of Rehab Activity Requirement. His personal liquor license and designated premises supervisor license were also revoked.

When trading standards officers attended the Europlus store in September 2021, a large quantity of illegally imported cigarettes and tobacco were found with counterfeit tobacco products. The retail value of the products seized amounted to £4,675 and the estimated duty avoided was £7,071.54.

The Council’s Trading Standards team continues to work closely with HMRC, National Trading Standards and Derbyshire Police as part of Op CeCe to tackle the sale and supply of illegal tobacco in Derby. On 3 January 2023, officers from the Trading Standards team and Derbyshire Police attended two shops in the town and seized 16,380 cigarettes, 4.3kg of hand-rolled tobacco. Also, three people not allowed to work were found working in shops.

In the UK, tobacco products such as hand tobacco and cigarettes must be sold in plain packaging. However, Trading Standards teams are increasingly seeing counterfeit products in plain packaging, as well as illegally imported products destined for other markets.

Councilor Jerry Pearce, Cabinet Member for Streetpride, Public Spaces and Leisure commented:

“Our fantastic Trading Standards team regularly disrupts the sale and supply of illegal tobacco, prosecuting where appropriate and depriving criminal networks of the profits made from their criminal profits.

“Illegal tobacco products are often sold at a lower price than legitimate products and while we all like to save money, buying these products directly contributes to organized crime. The gangs that smuggle these products into the country are often also involved in other serious crimes such as human trafficking, modern slavery and the sale of other dangerous products such as adulterated alcohol, which can be deadly.

Wendy Martin, Director of National Trading Standards, said:

“The illegal tobacco trade harms local communities and affects honest businesses that operate within the law. Taking 21 million illegal cigarettes, 5,800kg of hand-rolled tobacco and almost 175kg of shisha products off sale, the National Trading Standards initiative in partnership with HMRC continues to successfully disrupt this illicit trade.

Inspector Rachel Fowkes of Derbyshire Police said:

“Our work is continuing together with partner agencies around counterfeit and illegal products. In particular, the use of illegal cigarettes and tobacco can endanger people’s health, and their sale can sometimes be linked to more serious organized crime groups.

“We are grateful for the support of our local communities and our team will continue to work together to ensure we keep consumers safe and stand up for legitimate local traders.”

Do you want help to quit smoking? Visit NHS website.

Residents can confidentially report the suspected sale of illegal cigarettes and tobacco:




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