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The pro-Western party claims victory in the elections in northern Macedonia


Shortly afterwards, Social Democrat leader Zoran Zaev declared victory.

Addressing supporters in the capital, Skopje, he promised swift reforms to help countries hope of joining the European Union to end the revival of the defeated economy.

Election commission head Oliver Derkoski said the suspected hacker was touching the official website set up to deliver fast results online. The vote count was proceeding normally as the central commission server was not affected, he said. Derkovski added that police have been informed and will investigate the attack and who may be behind it.

Another official told the Associated Press that an outside hacker attack spreads a virus … so the public cannot see the results online.

Our technical team is working to resolve the issue, he said, speaking on condition of anonymity as he was not authorized to discuss the matter with the media.

Elections delayed for months due to the pandemic were held amid a coronavirus resurgence in the small Balkan country, with voters not wanting mandatory masks.

Polling stations were closed later than usual to encourage turnout, and authorities also held two days of preliminary voting to allow quarantined or at-risk people to cast their ballots from home.

Northern Macedonia, a former Yugoslav republic with a population of about 2 million, reported more than 8,500 cases, including 393 deaths, on Wednesday, with 198 new cases and four deaths reported in the previous 24 hours. The country saw no new cases growing in recent weeks following the removal of infection control restrictions.

Election authorities said turnout had reached 50.8% half an hour before closing polls, which is lower than in previous elections.

Zaevs, who governs the Social Democrats, called early parliamentary elections when he resigned as prime minister in January after the European Union failed to give northern Macedonia a start date for EU membership talks.

Zaev faced a strong challenge from VMRO’s Hristijan Mickoski. The party has softened its previous opposition to a landmark 2018 deal with Greece that saw the country change its name from Macedonia to northern Macedonia, clarifying objections to it joining NATO earlier this year.

Zaev, 45, led most of his campaign to secure a deal with Greece that ended a nearly 30-year dispute.

“I believe that our positive campaign has won over the citizens,” Zaev said after the vote.

Northern Macedonia has had an interim government since resigning as prime minister in January.

The election campaigns were limited by the rules of social distance and calmer than in previous elections, which produced vitriolic animosity between the two main parties.

The Social Democrats have ruled since 2016 after beating VMRO-DPMNE populist conservative Nikola Gruevski, who fled to Hungary to avoid serving a two-year prison sentence for abuse of power and corruption.

Georgia’s successor, Hristijan Mickoski, shifted the party to the center-right, but his campaign aimed at voters are still disappointed with the change of seat.

People are going to the polls in a large number of what we can see, Mickoski said. They are ready for a big change.

If neither side can achieve an open victory, the winner is likely to seek a power-sharing agreement with the parties representing the countries’ large ethnic Albanian minority.

The elections are being monitored by a team of international observers.

Copyright 2020 Press Associated. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, transmitted, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

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