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More BC families benefit from $10-a-day childcare

More BC families benefit from $10-a-day childcare


More families in British Columbia will save thousands of dollars each year as more than 930 childcare spaces switch to ChildCareBC's $10-a-day program in March and April.

This brings the total number of $10 per day spaces in BC to more than 15,000.

“Affordable $10-a-day child care that will help families save thousands of dollars, help parents balance work with family and help children get the best start in life. That's what today's announcement with BC is all about,” said Prime Minister Justin Trudeau. “Together, we're making sure families across the province get the quality child care they need without worrying about the cost.”

These spaces will help reduce costs for families and further develop access to high-quality, affordable childcare as an essential service. Spaces in the program reduce the average cost of child care from $1,120 a month for full-time center care to $200 a month for the same service, saving families an average of about $920 a month per child.

“Families of over 15,000 children across BC have more money in their pockets as their child care bills are cut by an average of more than $10,000 per child, per year,” said Mitzi Dean, Minister of State for Child Care in BC. “In addition to the $10 a day program, we've increased fee reductions, are eliminating waitlist fees and continue to provide additional support to families who need it most, all of which are important ways to make life more affordable .”

With these newly converted spaces provided in 27 additional child care centers across the province, BC has more than 15,300 spaces, surpassing its target of 15,000 spaces and on track to reach the next target of 20,000 spaces by in the spring of 2026.

“Saving $10 a day has allowed us to plan for the future with less stress knowing our childcare fees won't increase like all other living costs,” said Sarah Mara, mother of one. in childcare. “It also takes the pressure of providing childcare off our elderly parents so they can focus on their own wellbeing. We thank Alex House and the $10 a day program and we only hope it expands further to help more young families.”

The expansion of the program represents further progress in partnership with the federal government under the Canada-British Columbia Early Learning and Child Care Agreement to support the goal of ensuring families have access to quality early learning and child care high, affordable and inclusive. .

In addition, through BC's childcare affordability programs, both levels of government have reduced the average daily cost of childcare, for children aged five and under, to $19 from the $54 average daily cost before reductions.

“Alex House Children's Center in Don Christian is privileged to be a part of ChildCareBC's $10 a day program,” said Rhea Hubbard, director of Alex House. “As a result of participation, we have stable enrollment, which contributes to our ability to recruit and retain early childhood educators, which ensures we are able to deliver a high-quality program. Most importantly, families are less stressed because they have access to quality, full-time, affordable care for their children.”

For this takeover, the government prioritized new $10-a-day ChildCareBC centers in communities that do not yet have or have a low number relative to the region's population density. This is helping to ensure that families in more regions across the province are able to access the program.

To support the creation of more child care spaces and help more BC families access child care, the federal government has committed an additional $47 million over three years through the Child Care Infrastructure Fund. This new funding will support non-profit, public and/or Indigenous-led organizations to build or maintain childcare facilities, particularly in underserved communities, and is in addition to the existing ChildCareBC New Spaces fund.

Since 2018, the Province has invested $4.3 billion in the 10-year ChildCareBC plan to build a future where affordable, comprehensive and quality childcare is an essential service families can rely on.


Mike Starchuck, MLA for Surrey-Cloverdale –

“The $10 a Day program is putting an average of $10,000 a year back into the pockets of working families in Surrey and across BC, that money then contributes to our thriving economy and supports the vibrant communities we call home.”

Fast facts:

  • Provincial and federal investments are helping families of more than 80,000 children, five years old and under, with the cost of childcare through reductions in childcare fees of up to $900 per child per month.
  • Provincial investments are supporting the families of about 48,000 school-age children through additional fee reductions of up to $145 per child, per month.
  • An average of 35,000 children a month receive support through the Affordable Child Care Benefit (ACCB), a means-tested provincial program that provides up to $1,250 a month, per child, to help an average family with an income of low and medium acceptable. the costs of caring for their children.
  • The province has funded the creation of more than 34,000 new licensed childcare spaces, with more than 16,000 of these spaces open and offering childcare.
  • Beginning Monday, April 1, 2024, families can no longer be charged a fee to place their name on a waiting list at licensed child care centers.

Learn more:

For more information about affordable childcare options through ChildCareBC, visit:

To apply for ACCB, visit:

For more information about Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care, visit:

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