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Joint statement for the US-Iraq High Coordination Committee

Joint statement for the US-Iraq High Coordination Committee


The following statement was issued by the Governments of the United States of America and the Republic of Iraq.

The delegation of the Republic of Iraq, led by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Planning, Mohammed Tamim, and the United States government delegation, led by Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken, co-chaired a meeting of the High Coordination Committee today. , April 15, in accordance with the US-Iraq Strategic Framework Agreement of 2008. The two sides reaffirmed the importance of the bilateral partnership and Iraq's critical role in regional security and prosperity. The delegations expressed the desire to expand the depth and breadth of relations between our two countries, including in the areas of energy independence, financial reform, services for the Iraqi people, strengthening democracy and the rule of law, and strengthening educational and cultural relations. . Representatives from the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq also attended.

The US and Iraqi delegations shared the view that Iraq has the potential to exploit large natural gas resources, invest in new energy infrastructure and renewable resources, and achieve energy self-sufficiency by 2030. The United States praised Iraq for its progress in obtaining gas and working on the commercialization of associated gases. The significant gas potential of Iraq's Kurdistan Region (IKR) is a key component of Iraq's energy security, as are increased private sector investments. To allow Iraq to benefit from leading US private sector technology and expertise, the United States and Iraq announced the signing of new memoranda of understanding (MOU) to capture and process flared gas and turn it into energy usable electricity for the Iraqi people. Also, the two sides emphasized the importance of resuming oil exports through the Iraq-Turkey Pipeline (ITP).

The United States commended Iraq for its significant work in enhancing regional ties, particularly in energy linkages with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the Gulf Cooperation Council countries. After years of work to build its interconnection with Jordan, Iraq is receiving 40 megawatts of electricity for the Iraqi people; Future phases will increase the capacity to 900 megawatts. Iraq asserted that enhanced ties based on common interests shared with neighbors are essential for domestic prosperity. Iraq and the United States discussed Iraq's interest in the peaceful use of nuclear energy, including developing nuclear technologies.

The two sides discussed the significant progress Iraq has made in modernizing its financial and banking sector, which has expanded correspondent relations with banks in the United States and Europe. Iraq and the United States committed to continued cooperative financial reform efforts that will allow Iraq to encourage foreign investment and continue to expand international banking relationships. These reforms will fight corruption and prevent the illicit use of Iraq's financial sector, allowing local banks to serve as engines of inclusive economic growth. The two sides agreed to strengthen cooperation through an expanded engagement plan between the US Treasury and key stakeholders of the Government of Iraq. Iraq and the United States also noted the importance of improving Iraq's investment climate and fighting corruption, the main pillars of the Sudanese prime minister's reform efforts. To strengthen private business development in Iraq, the United States International Development Finance Corporation will provide the National Bank of Iraq with a $50 million USAID-facilitated loan to expand its lending to micro, small enterprises and medium, with a focus on previously unbanked and women-run businesses.

Iraq renewed its commitment to its continued efforts for membership in the World Trade Organization and the protection of intellectual property rights. The United States also pledged to support a number of International Visitor Leadership Program projects for Iraqis to develop expertise in these areas. Both sides recognized the importance of strategic and infrastructure projects in Iraq that will support regional integration and boost international trade.

The United States expressed concern about the impacts of climate change being felt by the Iraqi people and pledged continued support to solve Iraq's water crisis and improve public health. The United States commended the work of the Supreme Water Committees to improve the management of Iraq's water resources. The two countries intend to work closely together as Iraq tackles climate change and water scarcity and ends gas flaring to reduce methane emissions. The United States welcomed Iraq's pending release of the National Action Plan and encouraged Iraq to prepare a more ambitious Nationally Determined Contribution under the Paris Agreement ahead of the 29th UN Climate Change Conference. USAID committed to working with Iraq at the local government level to improve water and waste management services. The United States also committed to an International Visitor Leadership Program and an Ambassador Water Expert Program to share technical expertise on water management and other needs.

The Iraqi delegation also expressed interest in cooperating with American companies to exchange expertise in health insurance programs, hospital management and cancer research.

The United States Government welcomed the Iraqi Government's commitment to respect freedom of expression in accordance with Iraqi law, as guaranteed by the Iraqi constitution. The two delegations discussed how the United States can best support the Iraqi government to advance justice for the survivors and victims of the genocide committed by ISIS in 2014, in accordance with the rule of law. Both sides also discussed the importance of the stability of Sinjar. The United States reaffirmed its continued commitment to support Iraq in advancing its human trafficking strategy. The United States welcomed recent positive developments in support of minority communities. The two sides also noted the impressive progress Iraq has made in repatriating more than 8,000 of its citizens from al-Hol displaced persons camp in northeastern Syria. The United States thanked Iraq for its commitment to speed up the pace of repatriations.

In the discussion on higher education and culture, the two governments discussed US support for the revived prime minister's scholarship program aimed at boosting the number of Iraqi students studying abroad. The Iraqi government aims to send 3,000 students to study in the United States out of the 5,000 it plans to send to study abroad. The two nations also welcomed initiatives to expand English language instruction and student counseling for Iraqi students interested in or forced to study in the United States. The two delegations also reviewed progress in their mutual efforts to preserve Iraq's rich cultural heritage and religious diversity and reaffirmed their intention to continue facilitating the return of Iraqi cultural property to its rightful place in Iraq. Accordingly, during the HCC, the State Department facilitated the transfer of an ancient Sumerian artifact repatriated to Iraq from the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City and committed to future repatriations of Iraqi artifacts.

Both countries affirmed the strides Iraq has made in strengthening its security, stability and sovereignty and noted their mutual determination to deepen the strong ties between their two peoples. The United States welcomed the opportunity to reaffirm and strengthen its partnership with Iraq.




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