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Google Pixel 9 is rumored to have satellite connectivity

Google Pixel 9 is rumored to have satellite connectivity


Google's next flagship phone, the Pixel 9, could come with more connectivity features, including the ability to send messages via satellite, if new rumors prove true.

Google Pixel 9 will use the next-generation in-house Tensor chipset, Tensor G4, and will be equipped with a Samsung Exynos 5400 modem, sources told Android Authority on Sunday. It's not too surprising to hear that Google may continue to use the Exynos modem (last year's Pixel 8 and the Pixel 7 before it used the Exynos 5300 modem), but it's possible that the Pixel 9 will This suggests that it may be possible to connect.

So far, only Apple's iPhone can communicate widely via satellite, which uses its own emergency SOS system to send text messages that are relayed through Apple's manned operators and summon emergency services. can do. Other companies are also looking to launch similar services. For example, chipmaker Qualcomm announced Snapdragon Satellite at CES 2023 as a proprietary solution that manufacturers could choose to install on their phones, but no companies actually adopted it and the product was quietly rolled out late last year. and was closed.

Read more: Satellite messaging: The mobile phone trend of 2023 that didn't exist (yet)

Rather, Apple's Emergency SOS aside, the satellite connectivity trend appears to be following a slower, more open path. At the MWC show in March, Qualcomm unveiled the Snapdragon X80 modem for the first time. It supports the common NB-NTN (Non-Terrestrial Network) standard for satellite connectivity within the 3GPP Release 17 communications standards set, as well as several future standards to be introduced in the unfinished Release 18. In other words, this allows devices using modems to access more satellite systems.

Samsung announced the Exynos 5400 ahead of MWC 2024, but focused on 5G advancements without officially revealing its satellite capabilities. According to Android Authority sources, the Exynos 5400 will support the same Release 17 NTN standard, but the site also has some additional specs that hint at how Samsung's latest modem improves on the Pixel 9's traditional wireless connectivity. No other information provided. As noted by Android Police, Pixel owners have complained of unreliable connectivity on recent models, which is due to Google using earlier Qualcomm modems to pair with the Tensor chipset in the Pixel 6. It is believed that this was caused by switching to using an Exynos modem instead. device.

Take a look at this: I tried Emergency SOS via satellite on my iPhone 14


Sources at Android Authority say the Exynos 5400 will power other devices planned to use Tensor G4 beyond the Pixel 9, including next-generation Pixel Fold devices and a 5G tablet that Google is codenamed “Clementine.” suggested that it could be combined with It is said to be in the early stages of development. Perhaps these devices will also be able to connect via satellite.

Samsung didn't elaborate on the Exynos 5400's satellite connectivity capabilities, but satellite network company Skylo certified the modem for use with its satellites shortly after MWC 2024. The previous year, Samsung announced that it had used his Exynos 5300 to simulate satellite communications. Future modems are planned to incorporate two-way text messaging, as well as exchanging images and video via satellite.

Neither Samsung nor Google responded to requests for comment at the time of publication.

Last year may not have been the year of satellite and phone connectivity that I originally expected in early 2023, but the use of satellites to enhance connectivity in remote locations outside of mobile network range The possibilities remain promising. For now, Apple maintains its lead, with Emergency SOS being another feature of the iPhone's capabilities, but still only available in emergencies and only sending texts. Future connectivity solutions, such as yet-to-be-realized satellite solutions proposed by Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T, will allow users to send multimedia messages and make voice and video calls across mobile networks. That is what is required.




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