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The House of Representatives approves the foreign aid package; Senate action is likely next week

The House of Representatives approves the foreign aid package;  Senate action is likely next week


After months of delay and division, the House of Representatives has approved tens of billions of dollars in aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, a milestone in Mike Johnson the speaker.

In what has been done standard operating procedure, House Democrats led by the Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries were instrumental in clearing a trio of aid bills, providing critical votes to send the package to the Senate.

The Senate is expected to receive the $95 billion package early next week, sending it to the President Joe Biden for his signature after passing.

Here is a breakdown for each vote:

Ukraine's aid totaling $61 billion passed 311-112, with 210 Democrats and 101 Republicans voting in favor. One hundred and twelve Republicans opposed the bill.

The Israel funding bill cleared the House 366-58, with 173 Democrats in favor and 193 Republicans in support. Of the 58 dissenting members, 37 were Democrats and 21 were Republicans.

The Indo-Pacific package passed 385-34, with 34 Republicans voting against the bill. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) voted absent.

A separate bill with a number of national security priorities, including a possible ban on TikTok, also cleared the chamber along with the rest of the bills, 360-58.

Four bills will automatically be bundled together for Senate consideration.

Another bill with a mix of GOP border priorities failed, 215-199. The bill was considered suspended, meaning it needed a two-thirds majority to pass.

Looking ahead: In his almost six months as speaker, Johnson has completely changed his stance on Ukraine. Once a staunch skeptic of US intervention in foreign conflicts, Johnson only recently took up the cause in Kiev, saying he would rather send bullets than Americans to fight the Russians.

But political dynamics are too complicated for the Republican leadership of the House of Representatives. And the bigger question here is whether this spells the end of Johnson's speech. The answer to this is unknown. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) has vowed to oust Johnson. But Democrats are open to bailing out Johnson, likely voting to table an eventual motion to acquit him.

House is now away for a week's vacation. They will be back on April 29. On file: an FAA reauthorization bill and money for the collapsed Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore.

And a possible one challenge to Johnson's leadership.

Jake Sherman, John Bresnahan, Max Cohen and Heather Caygle




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