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Delhi riots shooter Shahrukh an aspiring supermodel, buff TikTok, drug addict PUBG, hookah smoker


One of Shahrukh's viral images (in red shirt) pointing his pistol during the riots in Delhi in Jaffrabad | Photo: PTI
One of Shahrukh's viral images (in red shirt) pointing his pistol during the riots in Delhi in Jaffrabad | Photo: PTI

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New Delhi: He is a budding model, a TikTok buff and loves fast bikes. He still aspired to fame and dreamed of seeing his photo on the cover of a fashion magazine.

But when he finally succeeded, it was for his notoriety by pointing a gun in public during the worst Hindu Muslim riots in the national capital since the partition, and by becoming one of the main faces of the horrible violence.

Shahrukh, infamous as the shooter in the red shirt, finally landed in the police net on Tuesday. He was convicted of attempted murder, under the weapons law, and of using criminal force to dissuade an official from carrying out his duties.

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I went to save the protesting sister

During the interrogation, Shahrukh told the police that he had gone to the demonstration and did not intend to take out his pistol, but that he ; he did it when the other party started peeling stones.

Shahrukh's neighbors told ThePrint, however, that his sister was one of the protesters at the Jaffrabad sit-in to protest the Citizenship Amendment Act, and he went to the site to save her when he learned of the violence that had broken out in the area.

He became very angry when he learned of the violence, and that is why he went to the site to protect his sister. Perhaps that could be the reason he had a gun with him, said one of his neighbors on condition of anonymity.

Father has business against him

Police say Shahrukh, who runs a sock factory from his residence, has no criminal record. However, his father has registered two cases against him under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS) and for allegedly smuggling counterfeit bills in Indian currency.

A second neighbor claimed that the father, Shabbir, was released from prison on bail only three days before the incident.

Shahrukh's father was a Sikh, who fell in love with a Muslim woman and converted to marry her. This is the reason why Shahrukh likes punjabi songs, said a police source.

Also read: Wore a sari to look Hindu How the women of North-East Delhi, victims of the riots, escaped the crowd

Addicted to PUBG, smoked hookah

Police said Shahrukh was continuing his BA but dropped out of the second year for a career in modeling.

He had wallets done, went to the gym every day to build his body, and wanted to be a music video star, said a senior police officer.

When ThePrint visited Shahrukh's residence in Arvind Nagar, many of his neighbors said he was a fun-loving person who is addicted to the mobile game PlayerUnknowns Battlegrounds, better known as PUBG .

He is addicted to PUBG. If he didn't play that, he would be at the gym. Most of his friends at the gymnasium were Gujjars, said neighbor Shahbaz.

The family was looking for a suitable wife for him. His mother was annoyed with his habits and wanted him to settle down and participate in the family business.

Shahrukh, who liked to go out with his friends and smoke hookah, had even filmed for a clip that will be released.

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He said he shot the video clip and worked hard for it. He said he was upset that the video would no longer be broadcast, said a senior police officer.

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I went around Delhi for one day, I slept in a parking lot at CP

After Shahrukh's photo went viral, he left home in his car and drove around Delhi for more than 24 hours to escape the arrest.

Another police source said he also slept in his car in a parking lot in Connaught Place.

He slept in his car at CP and the next morning he left for Jalandhar, in Punjab, to meet his friend. But he did not go there and went to Bareilly instead, said a police source.

Before reaching Bareilly, he also stopped at Panipat, Amroha and Kairana. He stayed in Bareilly for a few days and then left for Shamli. He was leaving Shamli and was at the bus stop when we caught him.

Chenu gang bond

Shahrukh also told police that he went to the protest on February 24 under the encouragement of a friend and took out his pistol after the flaking of stones in the region.

Police have found cases where Shahrukh had been in contact with members of the Chenu gang, a criminal gang known to operate in northeast Delhi and parts of the UP although he did not Was not established whether he worked with them or not.

Police said the weapon Shahrukh used was a 7.65-caliber semi-automatic pistol made in Munger, Bihar, which he bought two years ago.

A Munger worker who worked at the Shahrukh sock manufacturing unit had obtained the pistol two years ago. It is a good quality weapon made in the country, said the officer.

During interrogation, he stated that he was carrying five bullets with him, of which he shot three and lost two.

When the police asked why he was in possession of the gun, Shahrukh apparently replied that he had obtained it for pleasure.

He said he felt good with a pistol and that is the reason he ordered it. He said that although he kept the gun for fun and people took it seriously, he never used it, said the officer.

It is still not known whether the bullets fired by Shahrukh hit one of the protesters. He is seen pointing the gun at a police officer, but he did not fire at that time. He fired three to four shots at random, but we still don't know if those bullets hit anyone. What we do know for sure is that more than 500 bullets were fired in the violence, said the officer.

Police are currently investigating whether Shahrukh was in regular contact with members of the Chenu gang and whether he was involved in organizing weapons for rioters.

We also grabbed his cell phone to check if he was involved in the incitement to violence by inciting or directing a crowd in any way, said the police officer.

Also read: Are collective riots a novelty in India? Yes, and it started with the British

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