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The Louvre in Paris remains closed, while dozens of new cases of coronavirus strike France


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The Louvre is closed indefinitely while the coronavirus is intensifying in France, with 212 cases in the 13 regions. It is from 38 cases end of February.

Meanwhile, dozens of concerts, cultural and sporting events nationwide are held be canceled or postponed.

The news of the closure of the Louvre would be alarming at best. Especially when it comes to protecting staff from snowball disease.

In the midst of enormous uncertainty as to whether the Louvre would reopen Wednesday after the normal closing day on Tuesday, the museum has finally let the world know Tweeter on Wednesday evening March 4 it is closed until further notice: the museum will open as soon as possible. We will keep you posted and we apologize for the inconvenience.

With typically French politeness and formality, while not informing visitors of the reasons for the closure, the museum said it was making every effort to open as soon as possible.

This comes after the EU raised the risk of coronavirus infection in Europe from moderate to high on Monday, as global mortality increased the toll has reached over 3,000 and count.

And as the COVID-19 virus epidemic in France intensifies. France is the most affected country in Europe after Italy WHO map shows. Since Friday, February 28, the number of reported cases has risen to 212 according to the French Ministry of Health. A a fourth person died from the disease in France Wednesday reports The Parisian.

Due to this sharp increase, the Louvre first closed its doors on Sunday and then Monday, attributing the closure to a public health situation linked to the preventive measures of Covid-19.

The most famous museum in the most visited country in the world closed. according to Le Figaro, workers exercise a right which authorizes workers to stop working because of “serious and imminent danger to their life or health.

And it's not just the staff that the Louvre has in mind. The museum told the newspaper that it was taking all necessary security measures for its staff and visitors, with medical specialists ready to help those in need. Preventive doctors have been mobilized: they are always available to answer questions and see those who wish to consult them, "said the Louvre administration.

Concert halls, Louvre, and after?

So what does this mean in the short and medium term, for visitors not only at the Louvre, but in France? Since other institutions and tourist sites may soon follow suit in the exercise of this right to protect the health of workers and tourists. Especially if things continue to go in the same direction with the spread of the disease.

Le Figaro says the french Ministry of Culture is currently organizing a meeting with several cultural establishments to agree on the measures to be taken in times of epidemic.

Already many concerts and other major cultural and artistic events have been banned after the Minister of Health, Olivier Vran announced on Saturday the closure of "all gatherings of more than 5000 people in confined spaces" until further notice .

The preventive measure, aimed at containing the spread of the coronavirus, could have a significant impact on the programs of large sports halls and concert halls. Of AccorHotels Arena in Bercy in Paris and Arkea Arena in Bordeaux, at the Zenith in Lille.

So if you are lined up to see shows at one or more of these places, Le Figaro lists many concerts and cultural events that could be affected. Many events, depending on the county, are hanging in the balance, awaiting confirmation or cancellation. In France, more than 80 sites are likely to accommodate more than 5,000 people for events or shows.

Following the high tourist costs in France due to the virus, it seems that the fallout on cultural industries is also accumulating.


The Louvre is closed indefinitely while the coronavirus is intensifying in France, with 212 cases in the 13 regions. It is from 38 cases end of February.

Meanwhile, dozens of concerts, cultural and sporting events nationwide are held be canceled or postponed.

The news of the closure of the Louvre would be alarming at best. Especially when it comes to protecting staff from snowball disease.

In the midst of enormous uncertainty as to whether the Louvre would reopen Wednesday after the normal closing day on Tuesday, the museum has finally let the world know Tweeter on Wednesday evening March 4 it is closed until further notice: the museum will open as soon as possible. We will keep you posted and we apologize for the inconvenience.

With typically French politeness and formality, while not informing visitors of the reasons for the closure, the museum said it was making every effort to open as soon as possible.

This comes after the EU raised the risk of coronavirus infection in Europe from moderate to high on Monday, as global mortality increased the toll has reached over 3,000 and count.

And as the COVID-19 virus epidemic in France intensifies. France is the most affected country in Europe after Italy WHO map shows. Since Friday, February 28, the number of reported cases has risen to 212 according to the French Ministry of Health. A a fourth person died from the disease in France Wednesday reports The Parisian.

Due to this sharp increase, the Louvre first closed its doors on Sunday and then Monday, attributing the closure to a public health situation linked to the preventive measures of Covid-19.

The most famous museum in the most visited country in the world closed. according to Le Figaro, workers exercise a right which authorizes workers to stop working because of “serious and imminent danger to their life or health.

And it's not just the staff that the Louvre has in mind. The museum told the newspaper that it was taking all necessary security measures for its staff and visitors, with medical specialists ready to help those in need. Preventive doctors have been mobilized: they are always available to answer questions and see those who wish to consult them, "said the Louvre administration.

Concert halls, Louvre, and after?

So what does this mean in the short and medium term, for visitors not only at the Louvre, but in France? Since other institutions and tourist sites may soon follow suit in the exercise of this right to protect the health of workers and tourists. Especially if things continue to go in the same direction with the spread of the disease.

Le Figaro says the french Ministry of Culture is currently organizing a meeting with several cultural establishments to agree on the measures to be taken in times of epidemic.

Already many concerts and other major cultural and artistic events have been banned after the Minister of Health, Olivier Vran announced on Saturday the closure of "all gatherings of more than 5000 people in confined spaces" until further notice .

The preventive measure, aimed at containing the spread of the coronavirus, could have a significant impact on the programs of large sports halls and concert halls. Of AccorHotels Arena in Bercy in Paris and Arkea Arena in Bordeaux, at the Zenith in Lille.

So if you are lined up to see shows at one or more of these places, Le Figaro lists many concerts and cultural events that could be affected. Many events, depending on the county, are hanging in the balance, awaiting confirmation or cancellation. In France, more than 80 sites are likely to accommodate more than 5,000 people for events or shows.

Following the high tourist costs in France due to the virus, it seems that the fallout on cultural industries is also accumulating.

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