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Covid 19 Coronavirus: Delta Variant Creates “Plume of Infectious Particles”

Covid 19 Coronavirus: Delta Variant Creates “Plume of Infectious Particles”



Premier of New South Wales, Gladys Berejikrian, said there was still some concern about how the virus would spread to the “fleet” among some cases.Video / Sky News Australia

Australians have been warned about the highly infectious Delta strain, and one epidemiologist has stated that positive cases are “in a cloud of infectious particles.”

Health expert expectations indicate that more cases will be seen in New South Wales as more exposed sites were announced overnight, including Bondi and two “flights of concern.” ..

Those flights went in and out of Wellington, and the Ministry of Health Issued an alert here.

Authorities are now concerned about how easily the variant of the virus spreads, and NSW Prime Minister Gladys Beregikrian yesterday announced a week-long extension of mask protection.

Mary Louise McCrows, a professor of epidemiology at the University of New South Wales and an adviser to the World Health Organization, described the surge in numbers as “huge” and said the Delta strain was more mutated than ever before. Stated.

Professor McLaws praised the decision on masks, but revealed the horrifying reality of a new variant in which the world is monitoring the way the “fleet” is spreading the virus.


Professor McLaws spoke with ABC’s Gemma Veness that this variant means that it becomes more infectious faster than its predecessor. 4 days after the onset of symptoms.

In the past, that percentage was only a few percent of infected people.

“This means that the mutant strain of concern can begin to infect people at an early stage. Therefore, around the 5th day when symptoms appear, any mutant strain or wild strain is highly infected. You can see that, but after the third day there is definitely a chance of getting infected. Of course, it still infects people. “

“In this particular delta, you look very infectious,” she warned.

Transmission electron micrograph showing the original virus that causes COVID-19.Photo / Attachment
Transmission electron micrograph showing the original virus that causes COVID-19.Photo / Attachment

She suggested that fear of exposure at Sydney’s Bondi Cluster and its Westfield Bondi Junction Complex could be due to shoppers stepping into a “cloud of infectious particles.”

Thousands of visitors to Bondi Westfield during the week will need to be tested as New South Wales health authorities raise the level of concern about the venue.

Mr. Beregikrian said shopping centers have caused “many incidents” and authorities want to make sure they “captured everyone.”

Anyone who visited the center between June 12th and 18th, including the parking lot, was asked to come in front of us.

Professor McLaws explains: “Most have seen covids acquired from large droplets, so it usually takes at least a few minutes to fully inhale.”

“But sadly, the longer this pandemic lasts, the more likely it is to spit out smaller particles than larger ones at various stages of the disease.

“Maybe we’re seeing people walking in an indoor shopping center. Here, there aren’t many changes in airflow due to infectious diseases. They are small that don’t fall to the ground quickly You are “walking in a cloud of infectious particles” as you are spitting out particles.

Professor McLaws theorized that it was not a “moment of crossing the pathway” but a “moment of crossing the plume of infectious aerosolized particles.”

Using the example of Sydney’s Delta variant, American public health scientist Eric Liang Feigl-Ding told more than 500,000 followers that “this kind of” fleet contact “infection is a mask and ventilation and air disinfection. Is the reason for the improvement. “.

“It’s no exaggeration to say that the Delta variant is the biggest threat to the 2021 Covid-19 pandemic. It’s by far the fastest variant known to date. WHO 64 Data collected from other countries does not lie. B16172 is clear and poses a danger to the world. “

Currently, there are 21 infectious diseases in the outbreak of Covid-19 in New South Wales.

Sydney is fighting the outbreak of the Delta variant.Photo / Getty Images
Sydney is fighting the outbreak of the Delta variant.Photo / Getty Images

“At this stage, we feel our response is proportional to risk,” said Berejiklian, because NSW Health Minister Brad Hazzard is a particularly infectious Delta variant. , Warned the residents, “Please take it very seriously.”

“It saves us from stepping into the plume of these infectious particles, so I’m very happy to hear that not only is the use of masks mandatory in transportation, but now it is mandatory,” she says. It was.

She argued that children were more sensitive to catching tensions “more than they had ever seen.”

“Delta shows us that kids can catch this. I’m always very sure they didn’t catch Covid unless they were home contacts. Was affirmed.

“But this is not the case. This Delta has now figured out how to infect children.”


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