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Research: Birthday parties may have spurred a surge in COVID


According to a new study, birthday parties may have helped the COVID-19 surge on the darkest days.

To be exact, Kiddy’s birthday party.

Researchers have compared coronavirus statistics to birthday party data and found 15.8 positive coronavirus tests per 10,000 people than households that did not have a birthday party, the researchers said. It was. Adult birthdays correlated with a positive test of 5.8 or higher over the next two weeks.

“There is a natural tendency to not think that family and friends may be infected or that they may spread to family and friends,” said Rand Corporation’s research and policy researcher author. Dr. Chris Whaley said. USA Today.

The researchers did not count the birthday party itself, but said in a statement that they used the family’s date of birth as a substitute for social gatherings and direct festivals. Familiarity can disappoint their vigilance, as people feel as if their loved ones are “safe.”

But it was rare. And the study found that birthday parties were just the type of get-together that might have contributed to the heyday of the pandemic.

In counties with high coronavirus infection rates, households with a recent birthday have a 30% higher chance of being positive than households without a birthday, based on data from health insurance claims.

“These gatherings are an important part of the social structure that connects families and society as a whole, but as we show, households can also be exposed to COVID-19 infection in high-risk areas,” Harvard said. Anupam Jena, lead author of the study, is an associate professor at the University School of Medicine, Ruth L. Newhaus.

In more formal environments, people tend to take precautions enforced by the venue, such as wearing masks and social distance.

“People do a good job or a better job of wearing social distances and masks when going to the supermarket, but they are more likely to relax when they get home, and they don’t necessarily have to wear masks and social distances. There is no such thing, “said Dr. Timothy Brewer, a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was not involved in the study, told USA Today.

Health experts have long speculated that small informal gatherings could be one of the drivers of the coronavirus epidemic, but without extensive contact tracing and diagnostic testing, The researchers said it was difficult to measure the risks associated with different types of gatherings.

The team took a different approach and speculated on the relationship between the get-together and COVID-19 by investigating whether household infection rates would increase in the weeks following the members’ birthdays. This was based on the idea that such occasions often require gatherings and the date of birth can be easily obtained from medical and insurance records.

They analyzed 3 million households in the United States, and in the first 45 weeks of 2020, households with recent birthdays in counties with high COVID-19 infections averaged more than households in the same county without birthdays. We found that there were 8.6 cases per 10,000 people. ..

The culprit wasn’t just birthdays.

“We were only able to investigate one type of event that could lead to a get-together, but given the increased risk associated with having a birthday at home, informal gatherings of all kinds played an important role. It’s clear. The COVID-19 epidemic, “said Whaley.

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