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A 29-year-old woman was hospitalized for 18 days with sepsis one year after the cosmetic “butt lift” procedure.


Irish doctors have highlighted potential complications after buttock augmentation – commonly known as buttock lift.

t follows the case of a woman who was admitted to St. James Infirmary Hospital for sepsis 14 months after receiving the injection.

Dr. Siobhan Quirke and colleagues at St. James Infirmary presented a case involving a 29-year-old woman at the European Conference on Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID)...

“Complications are increasing as fillers become one of the fastest growing cosmetological treatments,” she said.

“This is something that both cosmetologists and medical professionals need to know.”

The exact ingredients of the fillers vary from brand to brand, but they all work to enlarge the buttocks and are intended to be a cheaper alternative to surgical procedures.

Celebrities such as Kim Kardashian, who have a rounded body and have never lifted their buttocks, Caused a wave of interest in young women undergoing butt lifts.

A young female patient at St. James Hospital with no medical history was seen in the emergency department after developing nausea and an abscess at the injection site.

This place was surrounded by 15 cm of cellulitis. This is a potentially life-threatening skin infection.

Blood tests revealed high levels of white blood cells and C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation.

The patient started taking antibiotics and had the abscess drained the next day.

Blood cultures have revealed that the causes of infection are a bacterium called Staphylococcus lagdanensis, which causes various infections, and Pseudomonas ordihabitans, which is a rare cause of human skin and soft tissue infections. It was.

Imaging revealed areas of inflammation in the subcutaneous tissue, the innermost layer of skin on both buttocks.

The tissue also contained air pockets suggesting upper infections by dangerous gas-forming organisms.

After 5 days, the abscess was drained again and 500 ml of necrotic (dead) tissue and filler was removed.

The patient received intravenous antibiotics and her blood infection quickly resolved.

She was discharged 18 days after admission and completed another 6 weeks of antibiotic therapy at home.

The young woman is now fine and her wounds are completely healed.

Complications after the use of an injected dermal filler are rare and between 1 in 20,000 and 1 in 100 patients who have a procedure, depending on the type of filler used in the procedure. Occurs in.

However, complications are increasing as fillers become one of the fastest growing cosmetological treatments.

“The reason for the substantial delay between surgery and infection is not clear, but it could be due to an abnormal organism that can live on the surface of a dermal filler known as a biofilm.” Dr. Quirke said.

“Pseudomonas origin habitans is an unusual cause of human infections, but in recent years it has become more relevant to nosocomial infections and opportunistic infections.

“Thankfully, it’s not difficult to treat because of its low resistance to common antibiotics,” added Dr. Quirke.

“Nevertheless, this case serves as a reminder that it is important to choose a reputable cosmetic surgeon.”

Buttocks augmentation in Dublin costs about € 5,500, depending on the scope of surgery.

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